Summarize your background and what makes you unique

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131339500 , Length: word count:700

Create a 700-word elevator pitch that includes the following:

Summarize your background and what makes you unique (your competitive advantage/differentiation) in a one-paragraph elevator pitch.

Identify three to four companies for whom you want to work (your target market and how you can fulfill its needs/wants), and how you think your skill set will benefit them.

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

You was born in El Centro, CA. and went to school in the U.S. until jr. high then finish high school in Mexico. After graduating i enlisted in the military in 2004 and got out in 2009. I got my Sergeant stripes in 1 1/2 years 6 months before you could even be authorized. I was working as Military Police and Correctional Officer.

You want to work for Border Patrol, Immigration Officer, or Police Officer in any agency.

Reference no: EM131339500

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