Reference no: EM133649160
Homework: Advanced Nursing Inquiry and Evidence-Based Practice
The purpose of this homework is to demonstrate your ability to critically evaluate a quantitative or qualitative nursing research study in an area of your interest from a scholarly nursing journal using a critical appraisal worksheet (see attached). Then write a 5 to 7 pages paper. Format excluding title and reference pages.
Choose a nursing research article of interest within the last 5 years, from a refereed nursing journal.
Question 1. Provide a copy in PDF of the research article.
Question 2. Describe the problem and purpose of the research study (This is a summary). Is the issue of the study discussed in the introduction? What is the problem statement? Is the significance of the investigation established in the introduction? What is the significance of this study?
Question 3. Describe the research methods, including data collection, sampling, and data analysis, for the research study. Identify the research question, hypotheses, purpose, and specific aims/objectives. Who were the subjects and or participants? What sampling approach was undertaken and why? How was the sample size justified? What level of measurement was used for the variable(s)? What instrument(s) was used? How were reliability and validity established?
Question 4. Summarize the significant findings and conclusions of the study.
Question 5. Critique the strengths and weaknesses of the research methods. The expectation is that you also cite your textbook when describing research methods or criteria for evaluating research.
Question 6. How is this study relevant to evidence-based practice in nursing?