Summarize the psychometric properties of the instruments

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Reference no: EM131547072


Work is one of the fundamental aspects of life. In Weeks 1-3, you explored job satisfaction and job commitment. Employees' self-esteem and sense of identity can fluctuate to some degree depending on their relationship with their job; that is, their job involvement.

As the CEO of Walden Sports described, the employees have experienced changes in their company that have had an overall negative impact on their job involvement, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment.

In your role as a consultant, you are charged with recognizing factors that impact job involvement, including role conflict, as well as measuring job involvement in order to make recommendations for improvement.

This week, you look at how job involvement differs from job satisfaction and organizational commitment, and you consider role conflict and its effect on job involvement. In addition, you complete Part 1 of the Methods section of your Final Project, in which you explore instruments to measure job involvement.


Students will:

• Differentiate job involvement from job satisfaction and organizational commitment

• Analyze effect of role conflict on job involvement

• Evaluate instruments to measure job attitudes

• Apply appropriate APA style in the development of Methods sections


Work is one of the fundamental aspects of life. In Weeks 1-3, you explored job satisfaction and job commitment. Employees' self-esteem and sense of identity can fluctuate to some degree depending on their relationship with their job; that is, their job involvement.

As the CEO of Walden Sports described, the employees have experienced changes in their company that have had an overall negative impact on their job involvement, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment.

In your role as a consultant, you are charged with recognizing factors that impact job involvement, including role conflict, as well as measuring job involvement in order to make recommendations for improvement.

This week, you look at how job involvement differs from job satisfaction and organizational commitment, and you consider role conflict and its effect on job involvement. In addition, you complete Part 1 of the Methods section of your Final Project, in which you explore instruments to measure job involvement.


Students will:

• Differentiate job involvement from job satisfaction and organizational commitment

• Analyze effect of role conflict on job involvement

• Evaluate instruments to measure job attitudes

• Apply appropriate APA style in the development of Methods sections


Methods Section


Describe all of your participants from whom you collected data. Include information such as number of participants, age, race, tenure with organization, organizational level, job title, et cetera. If you used focus groups, what was the size of the groups?


Here, describe and list, in detail, all of the quantitative measuring instruments and data collection tools (e.g., survey instruments) and/or qualitative forms and data collection tools (e.g., interview and focus group questions).

Please include all forms used in an Appendix. Please be sure to also provide an explanation and justification of these instruments. Finally, be sure to properly cite any sources for your instruments and questions.

• Summarize the three instruments you used to measure job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and job involvement in the organization as well as the diagnostic instruments you selected.

• Please describe the items and scoring method from each instrument you used as part of your diagnostic survey.

• Provide an example item from each scale you selected and describe the scale anchors used to score the instrument.

• Describe the psychometric properties (reliability and validity) of the instrument.

• Justify your use of these instruments.

• Summarize the psychometric properties of the instruments.


Here, describe exactly how the data were collected.

Data Analysis

Here, describe how you analyzed your data. If you collected quantitative data, how were scores on items computed?

Did you aggregate scores on specific items to create a variable score (e.g., a score for job satisfaction)? Did you compute means and standard deviations? Did you compute frequencies of responses?

For qualitative data, how did you generate themes and did you use specific software to do so?

Attachment:- methods_section_leonard_edits.rar

Reference no: EM131547072

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