Reference no: EM132312833 , Length: word count:600
Assignment -
You should choose a news story from within the past year or so (more recent is better) that is somehow connected to the readings for that week. That week, readings deal with whistleblowing, product recall, legal punishment and product liability. Suggest you look for a news story that deals with one of those issues. Then, you will summarize the story in front of the class and explain how it is related to the readings for that week.
News Story - Can you choose this - Allegations of widespread fraud raise questions about the safety of generic drugs made overseas.
A good example of this was the two students this past week who talked about particular cases of insider trading. Mei in particular connected it to the reading by noting how insider trading erodes the trust necessary for the stock market to function. You should do something like that: explain a particular case of a company or person doing something bad (or good) in relation to the ideas we're discussing and explain why it was bad (or good).
Discuss the story in one page fine then explain why good or bad according what we took at class for ethics 2 pages maximum.
What ethics will you use?
You know what I have to focus in story?
That week, readings deal with whistleblowing, product recall, legal punishment and product liability. We suggest you look for a news story that deals with one of those issues. Then, you will summarize the story in front of the class and explain how it is related to the readings for that week.
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