Summarize the mixed methods procedures chapter

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM132819146

Textbook: Creswell, J. W. 2014. Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches, 4th Edition. Publisher: SAGE Publications, Inc. OR LATER VERSIONS

Ch.10. Mixed Methods Procedures

Length - 3 pages or 3 long paragraphs


Question 1. What did you learn (key chapter highlights/concepts)? Summarize the main themes within each assigned chapter and integrate these themes within this annotation report. The first section should simply identify the key ideas (one page or a long paragraph is enough).

Question 2. The second section should Integrate the main themes among the chapters. What do they have in common (tip: read the chapter objectives as a beginning framework)? Do you see any connections with previous chapter readings? Explain. What is your takeaway? (Previous chapters are. Chapter 1 Selection of a Research Approach, Chapter 2 Review of the Literature, and Chapter 3 The Use of Theory andChapter 4 Writing Strategies and Ethical Considerations, chapter 5 Introduction........chapter 6 The Purpose Statement.... Chapter 7 Research Questions and Hypothesis.......chapter 8 Quantitative Methods.......chapter 9 Qualitative Methods.....chapter 10 Mixed Method(one page or a long paragraph is enough).

Question 3. The final section should take what you learned from the readings.Think of the final section as a conclusion. Summarize your report and offer a final statement that explains how you see yourself applying these new insights within the context of your learning and/or profession (one page is enough).(one page or along paragraph is enough).

An annotation is a brief description of a work such as an article, chapter of a book, book, Web site, or movie. An annotation attempts to give enough information to make a decision as to whether or not to read the complete work. Annotations may be descriptive or critical. Read the chapter in question thoroughly. The purpose of annotation is to pick out the most essential parts of the chapter and refer to them. Without a proper understanding of what information the chapter contains, you will not know what to annotate.

Attachment:- Research Design by Creswell and Creswll.rar

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The paper aims to give an annotation of chapter 'Mixed Methods Procedures' and demonstrates an understanding of themes involved in the chapter readings. However, the mixed method research is identified as an ideal approach for gaining insight into research question and hypotheses. There are three core mixed method designs such as convergent, exploratory and explanatory sequential design. In addition, the integration of qualitative as well as quantitative data is useful for addressing the research questions and hypotheses. Mixed method research involves both qualitative and quantitative procedures and help in comparing different perspectives drawn from different data.

Reference no: EM132819146

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