Reference no: EM131285556
Levels of Achievement:
Exceeds Expectations
Student summarizes, in his/her own words, all main points from the week's lectures, discussions, activities, and assigned readings. When summarizing discussion, the student includes and builds upon thoughts shared by classmates and instructor. Word count is more than 150 words.
Meets Expectations
Student summarizes in his/her own words, most main points from the week's lectures, discussion, activities, and assigned readings. When summarizing discussion, the student includes some thoughts shared by classmates and instructor. Word count is between 100-150 words.
Needs Improvement
Student attempts to summarize some points from the week's lectures, discussion, activities, and assigned readings. When summarizing discussion, the student neglects to address thoughts shared by classmates or instructor. Word count is under 100 words.
Levels of Achievement:
Exceeds Expectations
Student relates the week's concepts to life, community, or career through explanation of how content can be applied to those situations.
Meets Expectations
Student attempts to relate the week's concepts to life, community, or career in a basic manner.
Needs Improvement
Student fails to relate the week's concepts to life, community, or career. Student is unable to explain how concepts can be applied to other situations.
Levels of Achievement:
Exceeds Expectations
Student writes in complete sentences and well developed paragraphs, with zero-one errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Student's meaning is clear, and the summary is easy to read.
Meets Expectations
Student writes in complete sentences but makes two to four errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Summary is generally easy to read and understand.
Needs Improvement
Student writes in incomplete sentences or uses list/bullet format. Student makes five or more errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Errors distract the reader. Writer's meaning is unclear.
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Meet organizational objectives
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