Summarize the main findings

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Reference no: EM132325305

Big Data and Analytics Assignment - Analytic Report

Purpose: The purpose of this task is to provide students with practical experience in working in teams to write a data analytical report to provide useful insights, pattern and trends in the chosen/given dataset. This activity will give students the opportunity to show innovation and creativity in applying SAS Analytics, and designing useful visualization and predictive solutions for various analytics problems.

Project Details: This is a group assignment and you will complete the task with your team. Your team will be made up of at most 3 members who are all enrolled in the same laboratory - the teams will be allocated by your tutor. It is expected that each team member will contribute equally to the project.

Your team will use an analytical tool (i.e SAS Visual Analytics) to explore, analyze and visualize the dataset provided.

You will receive feedback on the draft about presentation choices, content, analysis, and style.

The aim is to use the data set allocated to provide interesting insights, trends and patterns amongst the data. Your intended audience is the CEO and middle management of the Federal Aviation Administration who are responsible for overseeing the airline industry in America.

In addition, each individual team member will write a short reflection as part of the report on their individual experience on working on the project.

Tasks -

Task 1- Background information - Write a description of the dataset and project, and its importance for the organization. Discuss the main benefits of using visual analytics to explore big data. In this you should include a justification for using the visualizations that you will use and how they have been successful in other similar projects. This discussion should be suitable for a general audience. Information must come from at least 6 appropriate sources (2 per student) be appropriately referenced. [2 to 3 pages].

Task 2 - Reporting / Dashboards - For your project, perform the relevant data analysis tasks by answering the guided questions provided (see Appendix for questions and dataset) and, identify the visualization you need to develop. Note: remove any missing data points from your visualizations where possible/suitable.

Task 3 - Additional Visualizations - In addition to the guided questions, it is expected that each student will provide at least two other visualizations of the data (i.e. for a group of 3 students this is 6 extra visualizations). These additional visualizations will be judged in terms of quality of the findings and complexity of analysis.

Task 4 - Justification -Justify why these visualizations are chosen in Task 2 and 3. Note: To ensure that you discuss this task properly, you must include visual samples of the reports you produce (i.e. the screenshots of the BI report/dashboard must be presented and explained in the written report; use 'Snipping tool'), and also include any assumptions that you may have made about the analysis in your Task 2 (i.e. the report to the operational team of the company).[1 to 2 pages].

Task 5 - Discussion of findings - using the visualizations created discuss the findings from the data set. In this discussion you should explain what each visualization shows. Then summarize the main findings. [3 to 4 pages].

Task 6 - Executive Summary - summary of the data analysis including a brief introduction, methods used and a list of the key findings [1 page only].

Task 7 - The Reflection (Individual Task) - each team member is expected to write a brief reflection about this project in terms of challenges, learning and contribution. [1 to 2 pages].

Report Submission: Each member of the group is to submit an electronic copy of the completed group assignment and their own individual reflection via Moodle.

The report will be approximately 8 to 12 pages in length (not counting cover page and references). The report will include the following in the order provided below:

  • A cover page including the names and student id of all team members
  • Table of Contents
  • Table of Figures / Tables
  • Executive Summary
  • Background
  • The body of the report including reports, insights, justifications and visuals
  • Discussion of findings
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Appendices

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Verified Expert

In this assignment, we have written a report on the basis of visualization of data given about bird strike happens in the USA.All the visualization is related to the airline which has v=crash dure to a bird strike.

Reference no: EM132325305

Questions Cloud

Building blocks of organizational structure : Use the Building Blocks of Organizational Structure in your answer, these structures are: centralization, formalization, hierarchical levels.
He decides to consult with his legal department : Before Bob pulls the trigger on this, he decides to consult with his legal department. The legal department tells Bob the following:
Identify the best methodology for project : Compare two Project methodologies and identify the best methodology for this project. Provide scheduling plan - Work Breakdown structure-task list
Question the viability of corporate venture projects : A manager whose role is to question the viability of corporate venture projects is known as a(n)?
Summarize the main findings : Your intended audience is the CEO and middle management of the Federal Aviation Administration who are responsible for overseeing the airline industry
Write a brief reflection about this project : Write a short reflection as part of the report on their individual experience on working on the project - analyze and visualize the dataset provided
What position should the health department take : What position should the health department take? Use the following six questions to help craft your response (Bernheim, Nieburg, & Bonnie, 2005).
Market study on the dissemination of warehouse equipment : Using the attached chapter 1 write 1000 words on given topic. Topic - Market study on the dissemination of warehouse equipment in Oman
Should public figures have the right to privacy : Should public figures have the right to privacy? Take a stand here and show understanding of the 4 laws that govern privacy as presented on page 110.


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