Summarize the law or legal principle involved

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133589726

Homework: Employment Law


This homework forum examines how invasion of privacy and intrusion could impact the monitoring and surveillance of employees. This is the seventh homework forum related to your course project.

Your homework forum is based on the Koeppel v. Speirs case study found in Chapter 15 of your textbook. The case involved a private-sector employer's installation of a concealed video surveillance camera that was challenged in an intrusion upon seclusion privacy tort claim. At issue was the legality of whether surveillance equipment secretly installed in a bathroom can support a claim for invasion of privacy when the equipment could not be operated after it was discovered to produce identifiable images. The court ultimately concluded that an intrusion upon seclusion claim does not require evidence that the offending party actually succeeded in viewing or otherwise intruding on the plaintiff. You will explore the facts leading up to a decision in this case and evaluate the importance of this ruling to human resources practice and your role as a human resources practitioner.


As the Human Resource Manager at GreenTech Ltd., you are ready to prepare your next report. You will review, assess, and analyze a topic, event, or case, and based on your findings, you will share a written report with your supervisor, the Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO). Your report will summarize the topic, event, or case and will include a recommendation for improving HR practice at your company.


Read the Koeppel v. Speirs case study found in Chapter 15 of your textbook readings this week.

Based on your review of the case study, consider the following:

The district court determined evidence of an actual, rather than attempted, intrusion was required and granted summary judgment for the defendant. However, the court of HRM341 - Employment Law Homework Forum appeals reversed, finding the evidence of intrusion was sufficient to survive summary judgment. Most businesses have some level of surveillance systems in place. Consider how invasion of privacy and intrusion laws impact your practice as a Human Resources Manager.

Based on your review of the case study, address surveillance and actual or perceived intrusion of privacy in the workplace and its effect on the practice of HR.

Part I

A. Summarize the law or legal principle involved. (This can generally be done in one paragraph.)

B. Summarize the case or event. Share the important facts and highlights that are important from a Human Resources practice perspective. (This can generally be done with one or two short paragraphs.)

C. Explain why the facts and highlights you chose were important for the practice of HR.

Part II

A. List at least five ways this case or event might impact the practice of HR. (This is a brainstorming activity. A bulleted list is fine for this.)

B. Identify which of the five items is most important to HR. Provide an assessment and analysis of that item, along with one directly related specific recommendation for the HR team. The recommendation must be actionable, must be explained, and must be supported with evidence from your readings and research.

(Keep in mind generic statements, broad ideas, unsupported personal opinions, and merely repeating what is in this homework description do not satisfy the homework requirements.)

This homework is your opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the law or legal principles based on the case or event reviewed as it relates to the practice of HR.

This homework is also your opportunity to demonstrate your critical thinking and analytical skills by using the case or event as a catalyst to explore how HR practices can be improved.

The goal of this homework is not to do as much writing as possible but to do as much focused and thoughtful idea-sharing as possible.

Make sure you use evidence and support for each section of your response.

The ideal homework will include the following:

A. Introduction
B. Response to Part 1 (with citations linked to a reference)
C. Response to Part 2 (with citations linked to a reference)
D. Conclusion (with citations linked to a reference)
E. References (with a minimum of three references).

Reference no: EM133589726

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Write a Review

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