Summarize the history of the social problem

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133776675 , Length: 2 page

Part 1: Research

Conduct some further, in-depth research of homelessness problem. Locate two (2) credible resources describing the history, evolution of that problem, and what has been attempted in the past to eradicate the problem. You can use your textbook, credible websites, articles, etc. One must be a resource located through the Rasmussen Library databases.

Part 2: Reflect

In a minimum of two-pages address the following:

  • Summarize the history of the social problem?
  • Discuss the effects or consequences of the social problem (negative and positive)?
  • Identify what individuals, groups, organizations, social institutions are involved? What values, beliefs, norms, and issues by whom are involved?
  • List what sociological assumption(s) fit this problem? What social factors (causes) are involved by level? (Who says so? research done?) What sociological perspectives are involved?
  • Incorporate two (2) credible resources describing the history and evolution of the chosen social problem. Cite sources used.


Reference no: EM133776675

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