Summarize the given case and research about it

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131306939

I have wrote most of the paper, but it need a lot of editing, fixing and completing the paper should have:

1-cover page and it follows the APA format.

2-abstract conforms to APA format and contains succinct summary statements regarding the purpose, method and expected results.

3-Summary, Relevant research is summarized, with a clearly and logically stated theory

4- Transition and Development, There is a smooth and logical transition from research review to proposed study including a clear statement of purpose.

5-Design Development, The design of the study is summarized with a precise statement of variables and operational definitions.

6- Description of the study, Description is clear, complete, precise, and follows a logical order.

7-Analysis, The analysis is appropriate, theoretically sound, and complete given the proposed research design.

8-The internal references and reference page follows the APA.

9-General format (header, headings, margins, type size etc.) followed APA format.

10-Logical organization, precise expression of thought, spelling, punctuation, grammar, professional language.


Attachment:- maha_alharbi_5310_research.rar

Reference no: EM131306939

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