Reference no: EM132774147
Assignment: One paragraph with intext citation and reference follow up discussion for the above discussion. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification. Provide feedback on whether you agree or disagree with their criticism. Explain why. Build on their posts by providing additional insight of your own
1. Summarize the concepts of floating that were addressed in the attached articles.
This week's provided articles discussed the entirety of nurses floating and the concerns, benefits, cost, stress, emotions regarding floating. To summarize, many nurses may feel overwhelmed or frustrated when being told to float to a unit other than their home unit. Most importantly, the plan of action regarding a floating nurse must be safe for all parties involved: the patient, all staff, the floating nurse. One article mentioned a nurse's current procedure where floating nurses are only assigned "stable, easy patients" with full access to the charge nurse if needed (Magrath, 2016). This is a great tool that most units should follow to promote overall safety and ease of transitioning for all staff and the floating nurse.
2. What steps would you take in this scenario to ensure a safe transition into the unfamiliar unit?
Safe transitions for floating nurses involve open communication between charge nurse of the unit and the floating nurse as well as involvement of other nurses working alongside the floating nurse. What must occur is appropriate planning from the charge nurse and the floating nurse by discussing the types of patients the nurse is certified and qualified to take care of. In this example, if the nurse is not certified to administer chemotherapy drugs or a patient undergoing radiating, then this nurse cannot care for a patient who is undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatment.
Other staff members will need to share the weight of the workload by caring for patients who the floater nurse is unable to care for. Should these discussions and planning take place and there ends up being an incident where the floating nurse has orders for a task that is inappropriate, the floating nurse must NOT complete the order and instead notify the charge nurse for reassignment.
3. Why are these steps important?
These steps are important for the safety and protection of both the nurse's license and of the patient.
Secondly, the concept of planning is really important for clinical managers, charge nurses and staff nurses to master. This week's discussion mentioned different types of planning involved in healthcare.
4. What are some of the legal ramifications that can occur if you accept an assigned that is out of your scope of practice?
Medical malpractice can result from a nurse operating outside his or her scope of practice (Legal Rights and Responsibilities: NCLEX-RN2020). Patients can be injured, disabled, or die from improper care from an uncertified nurse if they operate outside of their scope. Those involved (i.e. charge nurse) could also be subpoenaed to court and may face legal ramifications as well if they had any involvement or awareness of a situation resulting in patient injury as well.
Writers, R. N. S. (2020, August 23). Legal Rights and Responsibilities: NCLEX-RN.
Magrath, P. (2016, August 30). Nurses Are Talking About: Floating and Rapid Response Duty.