Summarize the article and, if applicable

Assignment Help Marketing Management
Reference no: EM133475908

Question: For your discussion board assignment this week, please discuss something that you learned in either the reading, or slides, that surprised you or was something that you found particularly interesting.

Then please do some research and find an article discussing a business dispute. Please summarize the article and, if applicable, discuss whether you think the dispute should be resolved (through ADR or traditional litigation) and why.


Reference no: EM133475908

Questions Cloud

Discuss some of the strengths and weaknesses of that model : Choose a developed country and discuss how its model of health care (e.g., national health insurance, national health system, or socialized health insurance)
Why this type of facility would be recommended over : Specify the position categories and/or titles for these positions and include what are the credentials or licensures required by these positions
Identify ethically problematic communication situations : ENG 2311- Identify skills you used for successful cross-cultural communication. Identify ethically problematic communication situations.
Discuss the evolution of epidemiology in public health : discuss the evolution of epidemiology in public health. Choose 1 of the following key pioneers in the field, and discuss his influence and contribution
Summarize the article and, if applicable : discuss something that you learned in either the reading, or slides, that surprised you or was something that you found particularly interesting.
Explain the impact of these findings on operational decision : Establish the forecasting method (from readings). Decide on the balance between subjective and objective data and look for trends and seasonality.
Create a budget analysis report of current failed project : Create a budget analysis report of the current failed project and a project estimation report for the turnaround project.
What are your areas of strength and weakness : What are your areas of strength? What are your areas of weakness? - What areas did you find most surprising, and why?
What is the message the cartoonist is attempting to convey : AMH 2010- Why did Americans engage in imperialism (1890-1914)? What is the message the cartoonist is attempting to convey?


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