Summarize psychological factors within al qaeda leadership

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Reference no: EM13892552 , Length:

CO-1: Describe the psychological and behavioral factors of terrorism.

CO-2: Categorize means of communication and influence they have upon advancing terrorist narratives.

CO-3: Summarize psychological and behavioral factors within al Qaeda leadership and affiliate groups.

In Friedman's article, War, Psychology and Time, the manner in which bin Laden addressed the "psychology of defeat" that his followers were suffering from was explained; efforts that illustrated many of his leadership qualities.

For this assignment, explain the various tools and techniques utilized by effective terrorist group leaders (regardless of any specific ideology or agenda) to modify the psychological and behavioral factors of their followers.

Assignment Specifics:

• The body of your report is to be three pages in length (points will be deducted if the minimum page requirement is not met) and is to contain the following:
o A brief introduction, conveying what the report is about?
o A main body, containing the "meat" of the report, where you provide the requested information
o A conclusion, summarizing the content of the report clearly and concisely

• Include an appropriate title page

• Typewritten in double-spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font

• Utilize resources provided to you throughout the course to support your work. However, such information is to supplement your work, not replace or serve as the major part of it. Therefore, assignments will be automatically submitted for review through Turnitin and will be graded in accordance with the writing assignment grading rubric. An originality report of 25% or less (excluding reference list) is considered acceptable; however, a report exceeding this number will result in points being deducted from your score. In other words, freely utilize appropriate sources, summarize in your own words and cite accordingly, but be mindful of excessive direct quotes.

• Sources utilized are to be cited in accordance with the Turabian writing style by providing a general parenthetical citation (reference the author, year and page number) within your report, as well as an adjoining reference list

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Reference no: EM13892552

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