Summarize merelli & mccoid main claim about the statue

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Reference no: EM133447024


1- Why do archaeologists believe that jewelry was the earliest form of art, rather than say, statuary or architecture?

2- In the article "A Different View of Gender in Prehistoric Society and Art", Annalisa Merelli explains Catherine Hodge McCoid and Leroy D. McDermott's new interpretation of the Woman of Willendorf.

In ONE sentence each:

(a) Summarize Merelli & McCoid's MAIN claim about the statue below

(b) Identify their main source of evidence for this claim

3- How does famed historian Henri Breuil interpret the meaning of the Hall of Bulls in the Lascaux Caves?

4- What types of information did the earliest clay tablets record? Name ONE example.

5- What types of information did the earliest clay tablets record? Name ONE example.

6- Akhenaten was an Egyptian Pharaoh who revolutionized ancient Egypt in various ways under his rule.

Describe ONE way that this relief sculpture of Akhenaten and His Family testifies to ONE of the changes he implemented in ancient Egypt.

7- As we discussed in class, early Christians often commissioned images of narratives from the Old Testament that they believed prefigured the coming of Christ in the New Testament. In one sentence, how does the story of Jonah and the Whale prefigure Christ and attest to this uniquely Christian way of interpreting images?

8- Early Jewish and Christian art is stylistically the same.

9-In the late Roman Republic, a new style of sculpture emerged called Verism. In one sentence, what might this new style tell us about the changing values of Roman society that differentiate them from earlier, Greek precedents?

10-This Qur'an page exemplifies the common style from this period. Identify 3 characteristic elements of this style that helped increase the legibility of these manuscripts.

11- Why was the production of portable metal images of deities an important innovation for Hinduism?

12- The Funeral banner of Lady Dai is a precursor to which art form:

13- Describe in your own words the viewership of a Chinese scroll painting and how it differs from the viewership of a framed painting hanging on a wall.

Reference no: EM133447024

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