Summarize how systems thinking applies to the pdca cycle

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133460284


There are two parts to this assignment. For Part I, you must use the CSU Online Library to search for and select an article from an academic journal that discusses leading and lagging indicators in OSH performance. The article must be no more than 5 years old.

Once you have selected your article, you must complete the following tasks in a one-page written review.

  • Accurately identify the premise of the article.
  • Analyze the author's points in support of the premise.
  • Correlate the author's points to concepts covered in this unit.

Your review should include the following:

  • a summary and definition of leading and lagging Indicators,
  • a brief discussion of why there is often confusion over terms, and
  • definitions related to leading and lagging indicators.

For Part II, you will continue to demonstrate your understanding of the use of leading and lagging indicators. discuss the various methods for establishing safety accountability metrics for managers, employees, and safety professionals discussed in this unit. You must specifically address the following.

  • Outline how you can use both leading and lagging indicators in the application of a Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle framework to improve organizational performance.
  • Explain the need for language of business communication within the PDCA cycle.
  • Summarize how systems thinking applies to the PDCA cycle.
  • Connect points in the article you reviewed to support your Part II discussion.

Reference no: EM133460284

Questions Cloud

Why aging does matter to some older adults : Give 3 reasosns why aging does matter to some older adults? Give 3 reasosns why aging does not matter to some older adults?
Why women kill childre : Explain the strengths and weaknesses of your proposed sampling method. How would you change your research question so that you could select the best sample
Explain how you will inform the public of your new policy : Mayor Jones stated you must address all his concerns in your new policy. In addition, explain how you will inform the public of your new policy?
What change did burger make to the original study : What change did Burger make to the original study? How did that change address the charge that Milgram's study was unethical?
Summarize how systems thinking applies to the pdca cycle : Explain the need for language of business communication within the PDCA cycle. Summarize how systems thinking applies to the PDCA cycle.
Describe briefly how using both crisis theory and resilience : Describe briefly how using both crisis theory and resilience theory together is beneficial when working with clients.
Describe the jail population as rabble : What is meant when we describe the jail population as rabble? What are the main differences between parole and probation?
Discuss the types of political violence : Discuss the types of political violence. What are the characteristics of state violence against individuals or groups?
Did that person focus on processes or people : Did that person focus on processes or people? What values did they exhibit?


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