Summarize coloniality of power and global capitalism

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Reference no: EM133707102

Summarize: Coloniality of Power and Global Capitalism The new historical identities produced around the foundation of the idea of race in the new global structure of the control of labor were associated with social roles and geo historical places. In this way, both race and the division of labor remained structurally linked and mutually reinforcing, in spite of the fact that neither of them were necessarily dependent on the other inorder to exist or change.

In this way, a systematic racial division of labor was imposed. In the Hispanic region, the Crown of Castilla decided early on to end the en-slavement of the Indians in order to prevent their total extermination. They were instead confined to serfdom. For those that lived in communities, the ancient practice of reciprocity-the exchange of labor force and labor with-out a market-was allowed as a way of reproducing its labor force as serfs. In some cases, the Indian nobility, a reduced minority, was exempted from serfdom and received special treatment owing to their roles as interme-diaries with the dominant race. They were also permitted to participatein some of the activities of the nonnoble Spanish. However, blacks were reduced to slavery. As the dominant race, Spanish and Portuguese whites could receive wages, be independent merchants, independent artisans, orindependent farmers-in short, independent producers of commodities.

Reference no: EM133707102

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