Summarize bronfenbrenners ecological model

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Reference no: EM131312434 , Length: 3200 Words

The Final Paper should include the following:

Summarize Bronfenbrenners ecological model and describe why it is important for them to be aware of this theory.

Suggest and explain a parenting style/philosophy (authoritarian, authoritative, or permissive) that you believe will be most beneficial for the child and the family.

Explain which childcare (nanny, center-based, or family-based care) option (before/during/after preschool) you think is best for the child and why. Be sure to include discussion of the social factors that influence the likelihood of the family selecting a particular form of childcare.

Share specific suggestions, including at least two to implement safe technology use in the home. Explain how the media can (both positively and negatively) influence the child.

Discuss the importance of culture and ethnicity in the development of the self-concept. Share your ideas of ways that the new parents can create opportunities for the child to learn about his or her culture.

Describe at least two researched methods to increase the child''s self-esteem and positive attitude.

Differentiate between the importance of socialization that occurs in the home and at school. Explain the importance of each venue as a positive haven for the child.

Explain the importance of the teacher's role in the child''s life. Give examples of how the school and the teacher will affect the child''s socialization.

Share the importance of positive peer interactions. Give two examples for the parents to implement at home to foster friendships.

The conclusion of the Final Paper should include the following:

Brief discussion of the student's future profession and how understanding the nature of families and children in relation to society is important for that profession.

Discussion of how the student's knowledge of the theories of socialization will impact his or her work in the future profession.

Discussion of how the student's understanding of child development will assist him or her in the chosen profession.

Reference no: EM131312434

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