Summarise the relationship of diabetes

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Reference no: EM132368417 , Length: word count : 3000

Assignment :  Quantitative Research

Part I  Questions

Using the SPSS output you have been provided with (attached):

Fill in the blanks

In the Post intervention time, of the total of _____ participants in this study, _____ % (_____) were female in the Post intervention time.  Mean age of the sample was _____ (_______). About half (n=____) of the participants were in medium-level income, about a quarter (n=_____) in low-level income, and just under a quarter (n=_____) in high-level income. _______ (%) (______) were living in rural area. 

In the Post intervention time, overall ______ (_____ %) of the 409 subjects were determined to have hypertension and ______ (_____ %) to have diabetes related complications.  At the bivariate level of analysis, the prevalence of hypertension was significantly higher for males (______ %) than females (______ %) (Fisher’s exact test, p = 0.016 two tailed). The prevalence of hypertension was higher ______(______ %) in those from primary school or low education level compared to tertiary education level______ (______ %). However, this difference did not reach to the statistical significance (Likelihood ratio ?22 =4.012, p = 0.135).  In the post intervention time, participants in the intervention group had less body mass index (BMI) _______(       ) than the control group participants ______ (_______) with t test results, P= 0.001.

Part II Requirement and Questions

Objective: To examine the effectiveness of self-management skills based intervention program on improvement of knowledge of diabetic conditions, obesity, blood pressure, quality of life and reduction of glucose and HbA1c among people with type 2 diabetes.

You are asked to answer the following questions and objectives:

(1) In the Post-intervention time, are participants in the intervention different from the control group in demographic information including living environment (Rural, urban), gender, education, income, and hypertension status?

(2) Overall, is there any difference between intervention and control group patients in the 10 quality of life factors and total glucose and HbA1c: physical functioning, role physical health plays, bodily pain, general health, vitality, social functioning, role emotional health plays, mental health, and total physical and mental health score, glucose and HbA1c?  Quality of life are measured by SF-12 in the Post intervention time, and glucose and HbA1c are measured by blood test (choose a statistical test based on the statistical assumptions check)?

(3) In the post intervention time, does the three levels of Body Mass Index (normal, overweight and obesity) show different levels of SBP, DBP, glucose and knowledge of diabetes in diabetic patients?

Notes: BMI is a categorical variable. SBP, and DBP, Glucose, and knowledge are continuous variable.

(4) Are ten quality of life variables correlated with each other in the post intervention time?

Eight quality of life variables are: physical functioning, role physical health plays, bodily pain, general health, vitality, social functioning, role emotional health plays, mental health, total physical health and total mental health.

(5) In the Post intervention time, does HbA1c (HbA1c is used to measure diabetic severity level) of the people with diabetes depend on Systolic blood pressure (SBP), Diastolic blood pressure (DBP), BMI, and glucose when age and gender are controlled in the analysis

Notes: HbA1c (7% or more is indicative diabetic condition) is a continuous variable.

You will need to choose an appropriate statistics analysis test to use glucose as a dependant variable, SBP, DBP, BMI and glucose variables as continuous variable as independent variables. Age and gender are confounding factors. Gender is categorical variable.

(6) In the post intervention time, does diabetes related complications depend on three self-management skills when age is controlled in the analysis?

Notes: diabetes related complications or comorbid is categorical data type, and self-management skills 1 and 2 are categorical variables, self-care skill 3 is continuous interval variable. Age is a confounding factor.

You need to follow the following structure to answer the above research questions, please do not create your own assignment structure.

For question 1, you need to provide the answers for the structure below:

1. SCIENTIFIC HYPOTHESES: Provide research hypotheses that will address the research questions

2. Provide a name of the statistical test, and a justification of the statistical test(s) that will be appropriate to test the hypotheses .

3. Provide a statement of the levels of significance that you will use to test the hypothesis.

4. Execute statistical analyses, present results in publication format           

Execute the appropriate analysis and interpret the results in a short paragraph or two. These include:

a. using tables to present descriptive analysis results,

b. overall statistical results and p value, and

c. interpretation of the results

For question 2, you need to:

• Provide rationale of the data analysis method you will use (variable name and specific variable type, normality test).
(please choose either parametric test or non-parametric test depending on the normality test results).  Normality tests need to be  done by checking Skewness and Kurtosis (to be considered normal distribution, both Skewness and Kurtosis need to be within the range of -3 to +3). Please note the higher the score, the better the quality of life. The higher the HbA1c and Glucose, the more severe the diabetic condition.
• Conduct the statistics analysis, present the descriptive statistics and a bivariate analysis results in a table to summarise the data in all 12 outcome variables including physical functioning, role physical health plays, bodily pain, general health, vitality, social functioning, role emotional health plays, mental health, total physical and mental health score, glucose and HbA1c.

• Discuss tables of overall results, and meaning of the results in a paragraph or paragraphs. Please describe the direction of the difference.

For question 3, you need to

• Provide a rationale of the data analysis method you will use for this question (ie., specific variable type, number of groups)

• Conduct the analysis, summarise the difference between the three levels of body mass index in the variables of SBP, and DBP, glucose, and knowledge; present the results in a publication table format.

• Describe the results in the table, and meaning of the results. Please describe the direction of the post-hoc comparisons (e.g, which group is more or less than another).

For question 4, you need to

• Provide a rationale of the data analysis method you will use for this question (ie., variable type, normality test results)

• Conduct the data analysis, summarise the relationships among 8 quality of life variables and present the results in a table using publication format.

• Describe the results in a short paragraph or two.

For Question 5.  you need to:

• Provide rationale of the data analysis method you will use for this question (ie., variable type, normality test results)

• Conduct the appropriate data analysis, summarise the relationship of Diabetes (diabetes level is measured by HbA1c) with the Systolic blood pressure (SBP), Diastolic blood pressure (DBP), BMI, and glucose, age and gender’s results and present the results in a table, and describe the results in a paragraph or two.

• Describe meaning for the statistical level of significance and overall results for the relationship of HbA1c with the independent variables including Systolic blood pressure (SBP), Diastolic blood pressure (DBP), BMI, glucose, age and gender variables.

For question 6, you need to answer the following questions:

• Provide rationale of the data analysis method you will use for this question (variable type and adequate cell number). Provide name of dependent and independent variables.

• Conduct a statistical analysis, use tables in publication format to summarise relationships of diabetes related disease to self-management skills.

• Describe the relationship between diabetes related complications and self-management skills.

Discussion Section:

You need to:

• Summarise the main research findings from the six research questions

• Discuss the results (for example, the significant difference or relationship of suggests that…).

Assignment 2

Part III Requirement and Questions


To determine whether the participant in the intervention group have improved their knowledge, self care skills and reduced glucose level through participating in the intervention activities.

Research Design – Prospective Intervention Study Design

In pre intervention and Post intervention time, participants in the intervention group are the same group of people, hence they are considered as paired sample.

Research Questions:

1. Are there any differences between pre intervention and post intervention time in the intervention group participants in knowledge, self-care skills and glucose ? (See dataset Assignment2.2_Part III_Intervention group)

You need to follow the following structure:

1. SCIENTIFIC HYPOTHESES (Null and Alternative): Provide research hypotheses which will address the research questions.

2. Provide a name of the statistical test, and a justification of the statistical test(s) that will be appropriate to test the hypotheses (For this question, an appropriate statistics test needs to be chosen depending on the normality test results).

3. Provide a statement of the levels of significance that you will use to test the hypothesis.


Execute the appropriate analysis and interpret the results in a short paragraph or two. This needs include

i. using tables to present descriptive analysis results in publication format,

ii. overall statistical test results (ie., t or F ratio, p value), and

iii. interpretation of the results

Attachment:- Assignment data.rar

Reference no: EM132368417

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