Summarise the concept of job satisfaction

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM131465045

Assessment Description

During this subject so far, you have been exposed to various business psychology theories that have an application to individuals, teams and organisations. Being able to apply these concepts in a practical manner is a key outcome of this course.

Consequently, you are required to answer the following question:

Summarise the concept of job satisfaction/dissatisfaction. Then, choose one job that you have had over your lifetime. This may be part-time or full-time, permanent or temporary, or in the profit or not for profit sector. The job you choose however, must be one in which you were either: ‘extremely satisfied' or ‘extremely dissatisfied'. Then, by applying 3 (three) theories of motivation, you are to analyse why you felt the way you did.

The purpose of the assessment is to write a reflective essay that includes a discussion of the theories you have learnt, and how these may be applied to your own work history. Being able to do so, will assist your ability to evaluate why it is that some people excel in the workplace, while others may wallow.

A reflective essay is an academic analysis of your own experience. It still follows academic conventions, for instance, it is structured with a beginning, middle, and end, and it should have a logical series of paragraphs. Think of it as similar to a case study, but rather than analysing an organisation, you are analysing yourself. You need to critically reflect on thoughts, feelings and actions, then integrate these reflections with the theoretical concepts. A reflective essay should be written in both the first and third person.

Your reflective essay should include:

- A clear introduction defining scope.

- A brief discussion of what job satisfaction/dissatisfaction is, including the appropriate theory.

- A description of the job you have selected. Outline the role, your tenure, the organisation (under a pseudonym if confidential) and the context.

- 3 (three) theories of motivation applied to the selected job and analysed in relation to your own experience.

- A clear conclusion that summarises your insights.

- A reference list.

- This paper requires a significant amount of analysis and personal reflection. This means that you should break down each theory of motivation into its constituent parts and reflect on how the way you felt was influenced by the presence, or lack of presence, of the factors within the motivation construct.

- You should include a minimum of 10 references. At least 6 of these should be academic journals. The rest can be textbooks and appropriate websites.

- You should adopt the Harvard referencing convention throughout your essay as well as in the reference list at the end.

Verified Expert

This assignment is prepared as per the requirements given by the student. I have included all the details as requested and added the additional details that was required to complete the paper. The harvard referencing has been done along with the in-text citations.The paper has used 3 theories of motivation and address all the requirements.

Reference no: EM131465045

Questions Cloud

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Summarise the concept of job satisfaction : Assessment - Reflective Essay - A reflective essay is an academic analysis of your own experience. It still follows academic conventions.
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5/12/2017 4:30:04 AM

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4/17/2017 3:54:36 AM

Answer clearly and logically presented. Appropriate theory and research used to answer question posed. Correct academic writing style used, including correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. Format of answer consistent with question requirements and KBS guidelines. In-text referencing and reference list follows Harvard style and consistent with KBS guidelines. Word-count is within +/- 10% of requirement. Answer presented is substantially clear and logical. Answer presented is exceptionally clear and logical. Answer predominantly incorporates, integrates and applies theory and research. Answer skillfully incorporates, integrates and applies theory and research. Writing quality is a high standard with minimal errors. Writing quality is of an impeccable standard with no errors.


4/17/2017 3:53:52 AM

Criteria Assessment Content (Subject Specific) OUT OF 80 MARKS Introduction and Conclusion Discussion of what job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction is Overview of job and context Description of 3 theories of motivation Analysis of selected job in relation to theories of motivation and your own experience HD (High Distinction) 85%-100% Provide excellent context and link to the assessment in an extremely clear and coherent way. An extremely clear definition of job satisfaction / dissatisfaction that is based on well-articulated academic theory. Discussion of how the definition will link to the reflective content that follows is expressly stated and unambiguous. Overview of the job and context is excellently written, extremely thorough and identifies all the pertinent issues. Motivation is discussed using 3 key theories to frame an answer in an extremely coherent way that links seamlessly to the explanation of job satisfaction / dissatisfaction. Analysis using theory is comprehensively discussed and done so using personal reflections and powerful insights. An extremely high degree of self- awareness is present in the discussion.


4/17/2017 3:52:56 AM

- The attached marking rubrics guides the marker when awarding marks for your essay. You should review your paper in line with this to ensure there is nothing you have missed. - It is important to check your similarity in turnitin. All sentences highlighted must be either paraphrased in your own words or put in quotes and referenced accordingly. You should be aiming for as low a similarity score as you can. Similarity highlighted in a contents page, reference list or appendices is nothing to be concerned about. - Some useful resources for reflecting writing include: o o o o o


4/17/2017 3:52:28 AM

I was business manager for a small company, my duties was all administrative roll - • This paper requires a significant amount of analysis and personal reflection. This means that you should break down each theory of motivation into its constituent parts and reflect on how the way you felt was influenced by the presence, or lack of presence, of the factors within the motivation construct. - You should include a minimum of 10 references. At least 6 of these should be academic journals. The rest can be textbooks and appropriate websites. - You should adopt the Harvard referencing convention throughout your essay as well as in the reference list at the end. - It is recommended that you use the structure outlined above and adopt sub-headings based on each bullet point.

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