Summaries the complexity aspects of the project

Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM132219973

You should illustrate your points by identifying what are the causes, theories, tools and techniques, that might be relevant to complex projects. You should use examples taken from case studies and examples discussed during the unit.

This assignment is collection of five discussions each discussion is of between 1000 words. The discussions topic can be found directly from the chapters provided in the book.

1st Discussion

•In chapter 1 of Terry Cooke-Davies' book Aspects of Complexity he breaks down several factors for the causes of complexity: -
1.Unhelpful Behavior (Cooke-Davies 2011, p.4);
2.Failure to Appreciate Systemicity (Cooke-Davies 2011, p.5);
3.Models (Cooke-Davies 2011, p.5);
4.Simplistic Project Management (Cooke-Davies 2011, p.5);
5.Over-Ambitious Strategic Management (Cooke-Davies 2011, p.6) and other factors...
•In Chapter 2, We have just learnt Managing projects with high complexity and we offered theICCPM Outcomes including Leadership theory, Ashby law,. The chapter also discussed the complex project management in Practice (Stakeholders, organization capacity, people and discipline, leadership theory and the system thinking that facilitate the management of complex projects
•Using this knowledge from both Week 1 and Week 2, you are requested to discuss the case of Deepwater Horizon accident in 2010 and apply this knowledge on this accident as a complex project.
Your rich text may include a reflection on this accident using one or more of the five factors as well as the aspect in chapter 2. It is highly advised to have your though arranged as below. You can discuss the assignment with your peers and tutor as well and produce the following:.
•Evaluate the project management context based on the aspects and the outcomes of the ICCPM
•Tabulate the aspects that makes this project a complex one while applying the ICCPM outcomes. You can state the political, non technical risk, competition and others
•Tabulate the input of the stakeholders based on your thorough review of the project. You may need to define (in your opinion) the stakeholders, their power, authority and effectiveness and how do you think they influenced the project...).
•Discuss the general aspects of the project while providing concise literature review on the case. explain the whole picture,, what makes it complex, why do you think so,how
•Analyze the management practice (In light of what have you experienced in the first two weeks)
• Provide your OWN reflection on what could be done better and why do you think so. Take the role of a project manager, senior staff member and advise how will you behave in such conditions.
In not more than 1,000 words (excluding references and appendices) make your explanation by typing rich text directly into the editor field for your submission.

2nd Discussion - Deep Horizon Accident

•Form a matrix to assess the level of complexity of the Deep-Horizon using one or more of the tools. Present your assessment in details using relevant Tables and supplementary materials, references..
•Explain the constraints/limitations related to the Deep-Horizon case and specify the type of complexity (structure, technical..) in details.
•Write detailed explanation on why do you think so and provide supportive examplesfrom the case.
• Based on your understanding to the case, explain what type of varieties lead to this scenario, What else could be done to absorb these varieties.
Draw a graph showing the external varieties affected the project (based on your understanding) and what actions should have been taken (Use the Ashby law concept)
•Summaries the complexity aspects of the project (Deep Horizon) and
•Link back the essay topic and reinforce your key arguments like a mini conclusion on the case.
References: Mention here

3rd Discussion

In Ch.5 we presented the concept of Structural and Dynamic Complexity. However, on page 61 of Terry Cooke-Davies book Carver and Maylor state that "The most common high-level categorizations of complexity were identified as:"
-and Socio-political.
• Is there a relationship between each of these and "The four categories or dimensions, which are based on the source of complexity namely: Structural complexity; Technical complexity; Directional complexity; and Temporal complexity.
In other words is:
-Scale a synonym for Structural complexity?
-Uncertainty a synonym for Technical complexity?
-Pace a synonym for Directional complexity?
-and Socio-political a synonym for Temporal complexity?
• Does then the concept of Structural and Dynamic Complexity alter your initial opinion as discussed by Carver and Maylor in Ch. 5?
• Also, In Ch.6, You have been studying the Parametric estimation concept and how to estimate cost and time of complex projects. There may seem disagreement between this concept and the concept of wicked problems, discussed in Ch 1 by Ms Lynelle Briggs. You are requested to investigate and analyse both concepts and respond to the following:
• Do you see both concepts agree or disagree with each other? Does the concept of Mr Shermon and the concept of parametric estimation work together in eliminating the degree of complexity? Explain what do you think and Why?.
• How do you see this concept with the concept of wicked problems discussed in Ch1 by Ms Lynelle Briggs paper regarding wicked problems "Tackling wicked problems: A public policy perspective" .
• Can both concepts viewed together, Could the observations of Mr Shermon be applied in the cases that Ms Briggs discusses in the kinds of needs within the Australian Public Service?
• In other words, could parametrics be applied to the Australian Public Service projects and as a consequence reconcile some of the issues they experience with Cost and Schedule estimates?
• Could this be an example of a useful application for the 'big data' paradigm that is often discussed by the Federal Government? Explain why do you think so?

4th Discussion

The current Discussion intends to highlight the aspects of complexity in the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) based on what has been discussed earlier.

-Two articles are attached by Gransberg et al. (2013) & Dao et al. (2016).

Article 1 - International Conference on Sustainable Design, Engineering and Construction - Project complexity assessment and management tool by Bac Daoa, Sharareh Kermanshachi, Jennifer Shane, Stuart Anderson

Article 2 - Project Complexity Mapping in Five Dimensions for Complex Transportation Projects

The Two Articles are Attached

-Please study them thoroughly and you can then extract the main parameters for assessing the complexity as well as using similar approach in assigning the complexity level and type of the GERD project and to plotting the Radar Diagram(s).
-You can also use any relevant parameter to be included in formulating the radar diagram based on your own evaluation and judgment which is supposed to be a collective knowledge of the context of GERD resulted from your own revision and understanding to the project. Parameters may include (but not limited)
- The characteristics of complex projects explained in Week 5 (Refer to the slides in Lecture 5).
- The four main complexity input including Structural, Technical, Temporal and Directional Complexity

5th Discussion

In Ch.2, we presented Managing Projects with High Complexity by Stephen Hayes and Daniel Bennett and the issues highlighted by ICCPM Roundtables. We also presented few parameters that contribute to project complexity (some are listed below).

The current forum intends to tackle the complexity issues of Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) in more details.

You need to discuss these aspects in alignment with ICCPM issues, explain them in relation to the GERD project. This may include (not limited to):
• Details - number of variables and interfaces
• Ambiguity - lack of awareness of events and causality
• Uncertainty - inability to pre-evaluate actions
• Unpredictability - the inability to know what will happen
• Dynamics - rapid rate of change
• Social structure - numbers and types of interactions
• Interrelationships - many interdependence and interconnections exist

You are also requested to highlight the tools, techniques and strategies that can be used to manage and minimize the complexity of the GERD based on the complexities there

word count:5000

Verified Expert

In this paper, various aspects of the complex project have been discussed. basically two examples such as Deepwater Horizon and Ethiopia Dam. these two were a complex projects. in the Deepwater Horizon project, various factors like management, structure and technical complexities contributed and damage occurred at a large scale.

Reference no: EM132219973

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Upon producing the diagram, you need to comment and explain the values assigned for each parameter using your own rational The grading will be: 20% for your understanding to the articles attached 40% for your Diagram (s), its content, parameters included and values assigned 40% will be evaluating your rational on why and how did you use these parameters. You can discuss and share your thought with your lecturer, tutor and peers. You can use more than one radar diagram to explain your ideas. References: mention here

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