Reference no: EM131295286
Question: Assignment Assignment
Use APA format
Deliverable Length: Body of report should be 8-10 pages excluding title, references page(s), and any appendices
Step 1: Review Foundation Research Reports
Visit this foundation's Web site (, selecting the "Complimentary Resources" tab and then the tabs listed below, reviewing content available as these resources will be used during the course. Explore the following tabs:
- Effective Practice Guidelines: These are concise, research-based resources commonly used by practicing human resources professionals.
- Executive Briefings: These are excellent summaries of information on key human resource topics and initiatives.
- Research Reports: These are white papers examining contemporary human resources issues.
Step 2: Select a Company
Use as a current company to serve as the focal point of research and analysis.
Step 3: Web Site In-Depth Review
About Section
- Review information on the company's mission, core values, history, leadership, and strategy.
- Review the company's history and examine its global presence in terms of production, facilities, manpower and corporate social responsibility.
- Review the company's products or services, examining possible differences by geographic region or subsidiary/division.
- Review the company's use of technology, examining possible differences by geographic region, product, subsidiary/division, or functional department (marketing, legal, information services, human resources, advertising, etc.).
- Review the company's human resources philosophy and examine the demographics of its workforce, paying close attention to policies or practices relative to diversity, affirmative action, gender, sexual orientation, and disability.
Investor Relations Section
- Download and read the most recent SEC Form 10K, Annual Report, focusing on the Management Discussion and Analysis section and human capital related costs detailed in the financial statements and related footnotes.
- Download and read the most recent SEC Form DEF14A, Proxy Statement, focusing on Executive Compensation, the Report of the Compensation Committee, and compensation plans up for vote or ratification by shareholders, if any.
- Download and read Press Releases published over past 24 months, noting strategic initiatives that involve or affect human capital.
Careers Section
- Review Careers Landing Page and examine content that communicates the company's people philosophy and shares insights on what it is like to work at the company.
- Review the company's approach to recruiting experienced hires, job positing process, and college recruiting.
- Review the company's compensation philosophy and its approach to total rewards.
Step 3: Assessment of the Current Human Resources Environment
Based on analysis of information obtained in Steps 1-3, prepare a professionally written report assessing the current human resources environment, suitable for presentation to the senior executives of the company. Your report should present your assessment of the human resource management topics listed below, indicating the impact of each on the company. The body of the report should be 8-10 pages excluding title, references page(s), and any appendices.
- Employee Engagement Strategies
- Global Talent Management
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Human Resource Technology
- Employment Law and Human Rights Issues
- Emerging Trends in Human Resource Management
- Human Capital Challenges in the 21st Century
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