Reference no: EM132591763
CO4514 Digital Forensic Technology - University of Central Lancashire
Practice Investigation
Farayi is suspected of selling counterfeit International Student Identity Cards to people who are not entitled to claim the discounts this card brings. An undercover sting operation was setup to catch Farayi in the act of selling his counterfeit goods. Farayi attempted to sell a counterfeit ISIC card to an undercover officer who was part of the sting operation.
After being arrested and questioned at the local police station, Farayi provided a USB data stick to be further examined. Under questioning Farayi has stated that all the evidence that can be found is on this USB data stick.
A forensic technician has taken custody of the data stick and has performed a full physical acquisition using the DD imaging tool, and have signed this digital image into the evidence locker.
This evidence is available on Blackboard called "". Download it and unzip it, and save it somewhere so you can access it later.
Your Instructions
You are to examine the full physical acquisition and answer the following questions.
1. What evidence exists to suggest Farayi has been counterfeiting ISIC cards?
2. Is there any evidence to suggest that Farayi knew his actions were illegal?
3. Is there any evidence to suggest the names of his customers?
Produce a report answering these questions. You should assume that you are preparing this report to be used by the Crown Prosecution Service.
Performing an Investigation Using Autopsy
You will need to keep contemporaneous notes as you are performing this investigation. You will be reminded to keep your notes at the beginning of the investigation, but towards the end you will not be reminded. Your notes should demonstrate your thought process, your decisions, your actions and your results and should be an open and transparent reflection of your investigation. You may use any tools at your disposal for keeping your contemporaneous notes. For example, you may use QCC Forensic Casenotes (available as a free download) or Microsoft Word.
Read all instructions carefully. This work sheet is set up so that it tells you what you are aiming to achieve, before giving you the instructions on how to achieve it. Read through and entire section and understand the instructions - before you attempt to do any of the work.
Part 1 - Creating the Case File
Aim: You have been provided with a copy of the chain of custody form. Check and update the form, and then create your Autopsy case with the provided details.
1.1 Read through the chain of custody documentation.
1.2 Create your case within Autopsy using the correct information.
1.3 Generate and MD5 and then check against the value written on to the chain of custody document. If the MD5 values do not match then you should contact the person in charge immediately.
Part 2 - Initial Survey
Aim: To perform an initial survey of the evidence and to get a good idea of the kind of evidence that I will be exposed to; develop any intelligence about how the investigation might proceed.
2.1 Write down a list of keywords that you think are relevant to this investigation. Use your imagination and don't yet consult with the digital evidence. Re-read the investigative scenario to try and understand what kind of evidence might be discovered.
2.2 Create a keyword list within Autopsy that contains all of the keywords you have identified above. Instructions to do this follow.
2.2.1 Click the "Keyword List" button on the top right hand side of the Autopsy screen.
2.2.2 Click "Manage Lists" when the window pops up
2.2.3 Click the ‘New List' button
2.2.4 Enter "ISIC Card Counterfeitting" as the list name
2.2.5 Ensure ‘ISIC Card Counterfeitting' is selected
2.2.6 Select the ‘New Keywords' button
2.2.7 Enter the first keyword you have identified in the table above
2.2.8 Select "Substring Match"
2.2.8 Click OK
2.2.9 Enter the rest of your keywords
2.2.10 Once you have entered all of your keywords click OK to close the keyword list manager
2.2.11 Run the search facility again to search for the keywords you have just entered.
The keyword list search facility is actually an ingest module that is run when we first added the evidence; so we will need to run it again. However, we now have our ISIC card counterfeiting keyword list set up - and could run it immediately if we ever have to perform another investigation into ISIC card counterfeiting.
2.2.12 Select Tools->Run Ingest Modules->thumbdrive.dd from the main menu
2.2.13 De-select all of the ingest modules, apart from the "Keyword Search" module
2.2.14 Select the "Keyword Search" module from the list
2.2.15 Ensure "ISIC Card Counterfeiting" is ticked (you can keep the others ticked too if you want).
2.2.16 Click ‘Finish'
This will now run the search facility using the keyword list you've entered.
2.2.17 In the "Keyword Hits" tree viewer, expand the "ISIS Card Counterfeiting" option to see all of the search results from your keywords.
2.2.18 Don't spend too much time analysing the search results. Look at the search results and identify anything that needs to be followed up. This might include individual files that you need to examine more closely, it might include new keywords that have become more obvious, and it might include bits of technology that you need to understand a bit better before you complete further investigation.
2.3 Check and record the file system details for the evidence file
2.3.1 Click on the "datasources" item in the tree viewer window
2.4 Have a quick look around the file system
Part 3 - Documentation Phase
Aim: To ensure the correct documentation is used or maintained.
Phase 4 - Search for Digital Evidence
Aim: to locate and interpret the relevant digital evidence.
4.1 Look at your keyword list results.
4.2 Add a bookmark to this file
4.3 Examine the rest of your search results. Bookmark anything that is relevant to your investigation.
4.4 Within the tree viewer window, examine the results of the ingest modules.
4.4.1 Click the File Types item in the tree viewer. Expand it, and look at all of the identified files.
Phase 5 - Reconstructing the Evidence
Phase 6 - Preparing Documents
Aim: To present the evidence in an appropriate format
Attachment:- Digital Forensic