Suffers from alcohol addiction and chronic health issues

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133633315


Jane suffers from alcohol addiction and chronic health issues, including but not limited to HIV. She is long-term unemployed and is seeking help to recover in order to start looking for a job. She has a history of suicide attempt that she attributes to sexual abuse when she was a teen. Whereas Frank receives a referral from his GP to your service. He is a 74 year-old man and currently uses heroin daily. He is homeless and has a history of sharing needles. How may communication styles differ?

Reference no: EM133633315

Questions Cloud

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Suffers from alcohol addiction and chronic health issues : Jane suffers from alcohol addiction and chronic health issues, including but not limited to HIV. How may communication styles differ?
What about the effect of mood on helping behavior : Using what we know about the effect of Mood on helping behavior, Social Norms that influence helping behavior, the effects of models on helping behavior.
Which type of denial is likely to occur : When a provider does not comply with a request for additional documentation in a timely manner, such as a discharge. Which type of denial is likely to occur?
Utilization of external urinary devices result : How does assessing and evaluating the need for an indwelling urinary catheter compared to utilization of external urinary devices result
Coordination among these agencies during nuclear emergency : What specific protocols and mechanisms are in place to facilitate effective coordination among these agencies during a nuclear emergency?


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