Successful completion of doctoral program

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133573897


For successful completion of a doctoral program, doctoral learners must become proficient in using available technology and resources to conduct effective research leading to the completion of the doctoral dissertation. A completed dissertation will require significant time in the online or physical library using numerous search engines to find peer reviewed research that can contribute positively to your research project.

Reflect on your previous process for conducting a search; what resources have you used in the past to locate literature to support written work? Moving forward, how will you use technology to aid in your doctoral level research and what additional resources do you foresee using to find peer reviewed articles in your field of study?

Reference no: EM133573897

Questions Cloud

Deeper cultural theme-instructive or propagandist purpose : Explain how a particular cultural myth/legend/fable likewise reveals a deeper cultural theme, instructive, or propagandist purpose.
What are the five most important managerial skills : What are the five most important managerial skills/characteristics in today's organizations for managers to be successful,
About Bandura Bobo Doll Experiment : This prompt is about Bandura's Bobo Doll Experiment. What are the implications of the Bobo Doll Experiment?
How people communicate and interact : The advent of technology has brought about significant changes in how people communicate and interact.
Successful completion of doctoral program : For successful completion of a doctoral program, doctoral learners must become proficient in using available technology and resources to conduct effective
Discuss the differences between federal and state powers : Extensively Discuss the differences between federal and state powers. Extensively Discuss the roles the Supreme Court played in federalism.
Define the three cueing systems for reading comprehension : Define the three cueing systems for reading comprehension? What are some instructional strategies you would use to build up these three cuing systems
Greater and lesser forms of jihad : Explain the difference between the greater and lesser forms of jihad.
Directions imply toward different nations as civilizations : Why, and what do these cardinal directions imply toward different nations as civilizations?


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History Questions & Answers

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What compromises were made to get the constitution ratified (TO APPROVE). How do check and Balance and federalism limit government power.

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How did their experiences differ or were similar with regard to the treatment elicited to them by each army with respect to equality to white soldiers?

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Explain the Blue Sky Mine was opened in Western Australia in the early 1940s and operated until it became unprofitable in the mid-60s

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