Reference no: EM132628422
Examine leadership's role in executing successful change.
Delta Pacific Case Study Click for more options
As the change leader for Delta Pacific Company (DPC), you know certain elements need to be in place by leadership for a change to be successful. DPC wants to change the culture from the more traditional manufacturing environment to one of a contemporary consulting environment. Now it's time for you to help the leaders execute a successful change:
Determine how leadership impacts the organizational culture during this change
Examine elements that are critical to making this change sustainable
Assess the top mistakes leaders make and determine the best way to avoid those mistakes
As the change leader, it is your responsibility to help ensure a successful change in the shift of DPC's organizational culture. Part of this includes alerting leadership to how their own behavior impacts change and how change can be sustainable.
Conduct academic research and create a plan to present to the CEO and board in which you complete the following successful change management plan:
Explanation of leadership behaviors that impact organizational change.
Description of critical factors that ensures this cultural shift will be sustainable.
Examination of the top mistakes leaders make during a change.
Explanation of your recommendations as to the best ways the leaders can avoid making those mistakes.