Submit an expression at interest to the it capstone project

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Reference no: EM132364474

You are invited to submit an Expression at interest (EOI) to the IT capstone Projects Group (ITCPG) in accordance with the submission guidelines stated in this document for the AXYZ Enterprise.

AXYZ Enterprise is a company that provides customer care services, over the call, for a call-o-call telecommunication company in Australia. The call-o-call is expanding steadily and gained more than 120,000 customers due to which the AXYZ receives around 40,000 calls daily. Most calls are about general enquiry and rest of call includes service complaints, network issues, network update request, customer detail change requests and few other customer experiences difficulties.

Due to above customer service expansion, the company has specific tier and teams allocated depanding on the issue, request in order to provide the best customer service.

However, the company manually directs customers to call the certain number to get the solution from desired team or requests the team to give customer a call back. The amount of calls the company receiving and the amount of tickets they resolving is currently at ratio of 10:3 because of the lack of a system to transfer the customer calls to desired team through the system only without requesting nor the customer the tam to call back the customer.

The current process is really time consuming and not even customer satisfactory. As customer either goes through a long wait or struggle to finally get the issue fixed. Moreover, call-o-call showed the stats to AXYZ enterprise which clearly depicts the company losing customer just because of the poor customer service. Furthermore, AXYZ Enterprise have the clear instruction to raise up the standard of customer as company cannot really afford loosing customers.

Key Business Objectives
To allow the company to switch call on single local line while sharing a certain number of external post lines.
To save the cost of requiring a line for each user to the company's central office.
To provide a reliable private exchange lines
To provide ease to not only user but also to staff to switch between the lines
Better phone usability
Better customer service and productivity
Significant cost saving and more system features
Easier to install and configure

Key stakeholders
Mr. Martin J'Odarcy
Dr. Peter shackleton, Capstone Project subject coordinator
Dr. Tony de souza-Daw, Capstone Project advisor
Mr. Michael Gallo, tutor and network security industry adjunct

Business Requirement (or project scope)
The AXYZ Enterprise is looking for a voice solution so the company able to easily switch call between all of their three sites providing, at the same time a shared voice line of external phone line.
In order to achieve this
Developing and implementing VoIP using FreePBX
Develop a working call between all three sites
A complete and shared phonebook database
Develop a secure phone server
To fully utilize Asterisk private branch exchange and other open source software.

Multiple phone lines that terminate at the PBX
A computer with memory that manages the switching of the calls within the PBX and in and out of it
The network of lines within the PBX
Unified communication routers both wireless and wired
Use and VoIP based phone handsets
Internet router
Telephony application server
Phones (Hard phoned or software phones)
VoIP gateway
Routers ( Wireless or wired)

Attachment:- Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM132364474

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9/2/2019 12:59:49 AM

Project Plan Mark Sheet Criteria Project Plan Covering letter: Well-structured letter following a standard format that engages the client. Outlines what has been prepared and further action. Good expression and spelling. Out sta ndi ng 10 Executive Summary: One page. Clearly describes the system deliverables, costs, benefits and recommendations. It must be an overview of the report. Project Background & Justification (Advantages): A major element of a business case. Outline of project background and evidence of research justifying the project. Outlines of objectives. Project Scope: Vital component of the proposal. Outline of system features and functions: outline of all work needed to be undertaken (not just system development): outline of exclusions PBS ( Product Log): An essential element in visualising project scope and determining productsdeliverables.


9/2/2019 12:59:43 AM

Clear and logical Product Breakdown Structure developed along product lines. Project Schedule: A clear outline of the project timeline showing semester weeks, major tasks, resources (where appropriate) and milestones matching deliverables in project scope. Methodology: Outline of appropriate methodology to develop and manage the system. Details a standard methodology (possibly modified) which is appropriate to the requirements/conditions/needs of the client.


9/2/2019 12:58:58 AM

Acceptance Criteria: Outline of the key criteria for client acceptance. Should address, time, cost and quality Assumptions, Constraints and Risks: Clear evidence that these three elements have been assessed Appendix A: First Sprint Details: Presentation: Has been proof-read for structure, consistency and vocabulary, spell and grammar checked, follows template and contains a generated Table of Contents out of 100 out of 25

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