Subject-business law

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM131524645

Subject: Business Law

Please answers the question below

1. Codes of Ethics - A number of firms accused of unethical behavior had established codes of ethics, or credos and formal employee orientation programs . It might seem that these efforts had little influence on the practices of the firms. Critique the practice of establishing codes of theirs and suggest ways that their use could be made more effective.

2. Corporate Responsibility - Critics of corporate social action question whether it is appropriate to commit corporate resources to socially desirable goals. It might be better, they suggest, to maximize earning for shareholders, who could then use that higher earning to advance society if they so desire. Critique the arguments of those who advocate direct corporate action to achieve social goals versus the views of those who oppose such action.

3. Visit the US Department of Justice's web site. Review the different tasks forces. Pick two (2), describe them and their functions. Then list an example from your textbook that each task force may be in charge of investigating and why (two examples total). 

Reference no: EM131524645

Questions Cloud

Sketch an indifference curve : Suppose that you are searching for an apartment in which to live while you go to school. Apartments near campus generally cost more than equivalent apartments.
Calculate the slope with the price of gasoline : When the price of gasoline is $2.54 per gallon, the gas station sells 121 gallons per day. Calculate the slope with the price of gasoline as the independent.
Research the advantages and disadvantages of integrating : Research the advantages and disadvantages of integrating more physical activity in the classroom (or work force)
Establish the marginal rate of substitution : A friend of yours is in the market for a new computer. Four different machines are under consideration. The four computers are essentially the same.
Subject-business law : A number of firms accused of unethical behavior had established codes of ethics, or credos and formal employee orientation programs.
Describe to your friend how you would approach the decision : The computer will be an important part of your friend's livelihood for the next 2 years. (After 2 years, the computer will have a negligible salvage value.)
Over-valuation and under-valuation : What effects do over-valuation and under-valuation have on the financial stability of a venture? How do we determine which method of valuation is best.
Upcoming presidential election : Suppose that there are two (2) candidates (i.e., Jones and Johns) in the upcoming presidential election. Sara notes that she has discussed the presidential.
Who gets the job according to the given data : You are an up-and-coming developer in downtown Seattle and are interested in constructing a building on a site that you own.


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