Students will conduct primary as available and secondary

Assignment Help Theory of Computation
Reference no: EM13382861

Students will conduct primary (as available) and secondary research, present opinions while they compare and contrast corporate strategies as it relates to the HRM function.

Students will also develop smart objective statements to support corporate mission statements as well as conduct a SWOT analysis for an organization against theories.

Question #1: 

  • First step is to select two companies in the same industry sector (hotels, restaurants, post-secondary institutions for example) one company must be utilizing a low-cost provider strategy and the other a differentiation strategy.
  • Your task is to compare and contrast the practices of these two organizations with particular emphasis on the impact these business strategies have on the following human resource management functions including:
    • recruitment and selection,
    • orientation and training,
    • performance appraisal and
    • compensation
    • Ensure that as you compare and contrast that you provide at least 3 items (insights) per HRM function noted (4) for each organization.
    • Your submission can be completed in chart format with bullets.

An effective way of tackling this exercise is to select two businesses with which you are familiar as this gives you some additional knowledge. Please feel free to interview HR professionals working in the organizations you have selected, and ensure that you conduct any secondary research required to provide a comprehensive comparison and contrast.

 Question #2:

  • Write 2 "SMART" objectives for each of the following company mission statements:

o Product quality is our number one priority.

o Every customer will be a satisfied customer.

o On-time delivery is our commitment to our customers.

Question #3:

  • Conduct a SWOT analysis for a company that you would like to work for after graduation. Assess the company against the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities contained in the SWOT matrix.
  • Provide your analysis / inputs in a chart format utilizing bullets to clarify your insights.
  • Ensure that your input includes at least a total of 12 insights and addresses all components of the SWOT.

Question #4:

  • Discuss 5 possible reasons why HR WOULD be considered a "strategic" contributor to an organization.
  • Discuss 5 possible reasons why HR might NOT be considered a "strategic" contributor to an organization.

Reference no: EM13382861

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  How to construct an nfa

Give a construction that assumes you are given a DFA for L and show how to construct an NFA (with or without ε-moves) to recognize sort(L).

  Equivalence classes to construct minimal dfa for language

How many equivalence classes does this relation have and what are they? Use these equivalence classes to construct the minimal DFA for the language.

  Impact of moore-s law on data center costs

Discuss the impact of Moore's law on data center costs on such things as servers and communications equipment. List at least 3 steps or recommendations your data center can take to offset some or all of the effect of Moore's law.

  Problem encountered in statements in predicate logic

How the problem would be encountered in attempting to represent the following statements in Predicate logic. it should be possible to: John only likes to see French movies.

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