Student average and the class average

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM131108917

Part l

The first part of this program should allow the user to enter a student’s last name and five test scores.

The program should accept student data until the word “DONE” is entered for the student name. This data should be printed to the screen in tabular format see below). The data also should be stored in a file. One student data should be stored per line.

 Screen output format

Name                        Test Scores           1       2       3      4         5

Williams                                                   98    87     67    99       87

Smith                                                        88    78     89   76       88

 File output format

Williams   98    87     67    99       87

Smith88    78    89   76       88

Part ll

The second part of this program should read the data from the file. The program should calculate each

Student’s average and the class average. The program print the results to the screen (see below).

Part ll screen output format

Name                   Average

Williams                87.6

Smith                     83.8

Class Average: 85.7

 Be sure to include the required comments as discussed in previous assignments. Remember to turn in a copy the source code and printout of the data file your  program created. Save a copy of the program to the :drive in my inbox

Reference no: EM131108917

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