Structured literature review assessment

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Reference no: EM133781176 , Length: word count:1500

Research Methodology and Data Analysis

Assessment: Structured Literature Review
Conducting a critical review of the literature for a topic/area of interest based on Assessment 1, identifying knowledge gaps, and defining an appropriate research question and objectives

This assessment requires students to conduct structured review of literature about the individual research problem in Assessment 1. Research studies journal articles, conference papers, thesis/desertion, government reports and/or industry reports may also be used a reference material. Your literature review should include at least 15 references.


Reference no: EM133781176

Questions Cloud

What does scripture say about body stewardship : "What does Scripture say about 'Body Stewardship', and how does that reflect in your church experience today?" Do not merely quote the authors.
What could be possible ethical issues : What type of data will be used, how data will be collected and analyse, what could be possible ethical issues and how that will be addressed
How scriptures related to food and nutrition in us culture : How do these passages of scripture apply to the topic of nutrition in today's US culture? You may group scriptures or discuss them separately.
Identify appropriate methodology and analysis techniques : Research Design Identifying appropriate research designand methods with data analysis and ethical consideration to achieve the research objectives
Structured literature review assessment : Structured Literature Review - Identifying knowledge gaps, and defining an appropriate research question and objectives
Write a research plan with a timeframe : Write a research plan with a timeframe on basis of his/her research interest - justify why the problems are worth pursuing and what benefits they expect
What do think about idea of love being the supreme ethic : What do think about the idea of love being the supreme ethic and its connection to human freedom as described in the article?
What would be the result of the proposed research : ICT5201 Research Methodology and Data Analysis, Asia Pacific International College (APIC) - What would be the result of the proposed research
How does jesus turn mourning into dancing : How does Jesus turn mourning into dancing? How does Jesus turn graves into gardens?


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