Structure for marketing presentation from suarez marketing

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Reference no: EM13996943

In this project you will be working on the structure for the marketing presentation from Suarez Marketing. You will rehearse the presentation and practice navigating through the slide show using the keyboard and mouse. You will add comments, change the handout master, and print handouts for your audience.

Skills needed to complete this project:

• Changing the Order of Slides
• Adding Sections to Presentations
• Hiding Slides
• Adding Hyperlinks to Slides
• Deleting Slides from Presentations
• Checking Spelling
• Adding Notes
• Rehearsing Timings
• Starting the Slide Show
• Navigating the Slide Show
• Customizing Handout Masters
• Printing Handouts
• Adding Comments

1. Open the PP2013-SkillReview-4-1 presentation. If the presentation opens in Protected View, click the Enable Editing button in the Message Bar at the top of the presentation so you can modify it.

2. The file will be renamed automatically to include your name. Change the project file name if directed to do so by your instructor, and save it.

3. Change the order of slides in a presentation.

a. Select Slide 10 in the Slides pane.

b. Click and drag the slide thumbnail down in the list until it appears below the What Clients Are Saying slide. The slide should now be the next to the last slide in the presentation.

4. Add section and rename the section.

a. Select Slide 10.

b. On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click the Section button and select Add Section.

c. Click the Section button again and select Rename Section.

d. In the Section name box, type Clients. Click Rename.

5. Hide a slide in a presentation.

a. Navigate to Slide 12.

b. Click the Slide Show tab.

c. In the Set Up group, click the Hide Slide button.

6. Add a hyperlink to slides.

a. Navigate to Slide 3.

b. Click at the end of the second bullet point and press the Spacebar one time.

c. Click the Insert tab.

d. In the Links group, click the Add a Hyperlink button.

e. Under Link to, click Place in This Document.

f. In the Select a place in this document box, click Slide 10. What Clients Are Saying.

g. In the Text to display box, delete the text What Clients Are Saying. Type (See the Clients section)

h. Click OK.

7. Delete a slide from the presentation.

a. Navigate to Slide 7.

b. Right-click the slide thumbnail and select Delete Slide.

8. Check the presentation for spelling errors.

a. Navigate to Slide 1.

b. Click the Review tab.

c. In the Proofing group, click the Spelling button.

d. Click the Change button to change the first misspelling from busines to business.

e. Click the Change button to change the second misspelling from organisation to organization.

f. Click the Change button to change the third misspelling from Asociation to Association.

g. The remaining possible errors are not misspellings. Click the Ignore button for each of the remaining possible error in the presentation.

h. A message box appears when the spell check is complete. Click OK in the message box.

9. Add notes to a slide.

a. Navigate to Slide 2.

b. Click the Notes button on the status bar.

c. Click in the Notes pane and type Talk about client specific needs

10. Use PowerPoint's Rehearse Timing feature.

a. Click the Slide Show tab.

b. In the Set Up group, click the Rehearse Timings button.

c. When the first slide appears, begin rehearsing your presentation.

d. Click the Pause button if you want to stop the timer.

e. Click the Next button to advance to the next slide.

f. Continue rehearsing each slide, clicking the Next button to advance the slides, until you reach the end of the presentation.

g. At the end of the presentation, you will be asked if you want to keep the timing as part of your slide show. Click No.

11. Start the slide show from the beginning and navigate through the presentation using the mouse.

a. On the Slide Show tab, in the Start Slide Show group, click the From Beginning button.

b. To advance to the next slide, click the mouse or click the Next button.

c. To go to the previous slide, click the Previous button.

d. To jump to a specific slide, click the See All Slides button and select a slide.

e. To exit the presentation, click the Slide Show Options button and select End Show.

12. Unhide a slide.

a. Navigate to Slide 11.

b. On the Slide Show tab, in the Set Up group, click the Hide Slide button to unhide the slide.

13. Start the slide show from the current slide and navigate through the presentation using the keyboard.

a. Navigate to Slide 9.

b. On the Slide Show tab, in the Start Slide Show group, click the From Current Slide button.

c. To advance to the next slide: press Enter or the Spacebar.

d. To go to the previous slide: press Backspace.

e. To jump to a specific slide: type the number of the slide and press Enter.

f. To exit the presentation: press Esc.

14. Customize the handout master.

a. Click the View tab.

b. In the Master Views group, click the Handout Master button.

c. Click in the upper left box of the handout header and type Suarez Marketing Presentation

d. Click the Close Master View button.

15. Print handouts.

a. Click the File tab.

b. Click the Print button.

c. Click the second button under Settings and select the 3 Slides option in the Handouts section.

d. Click the Print button. NOTE: If you are using this in class or in your school's computer lab, check with your instructor about printing permissions before completing this step.

16. Add a comment to a slide.

a. Navigate to Slide 9.

b. Click the Review tab.

c. In the Comments group, click the New Comment button.

d. The Comments task pane displays. In the comment box, type Are the next two slides necessary? Click below the comment.

e. Click the Comments button on the status bar to close the Comments task pane.

NOTE: When you are finished with this project, your presentation should contain 11 slides. If it does not, your project will not grade properly and you may lose a significant number of points. Check your work carefully.

Step 2 Upload & Save

Step 3 Grade my Project

17. Save and close the presentation.

18. Upload and save your project file.

19. Submit project for grading.

Attachment:- -pp2013-skillreview-4-1.rar

Reference no: EM13996943

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