Structure arguments based on evidence and reasoning

Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM131996763

Topic - Education kills creativity and you need to write for in support of that not against and for that you need to write 500 words of word.

Task Description

General Overview:

The written conceptual overview of the structured arguments must include a cover page that contains the group's names, student numbers, resident campus, assessment title and lecturer. The conceptual overview should be 500 words in length. This is due one week after you present.

Each team will have 3 or 4 debaters. (NB. The number of debaters could be changed depending on the number of enrollees.)

Each speaker will have 5 minutes to argue their case. Palm cards and/or PowerPoint should be used. Students should not talk under-time - less than 4 minutes, or over-time - more than 6 minutes. A two-point deduction will be applied to presentations over or under time.

Each team must prepare a team charter, including a description of the team's objectives, communication methods, scheduled meetings/protocols, task allocations, conflict resolution and quality assurance methods

Task Description: The objective of this assignment is to build students' abilities to structure arguments based on evidence and structured reasoning, including identifying consensus methods for identifying coherent group arguments.

As a group, you can choose any one of the following debating topics. You will then need to identify what would be a good response from both sides. That is, you need to simulate what would be good arguments that the affirmative and the negative teams are likely to provide if very good debaters and had time to thoroughly research the topic. Since this will be a very challenging thing to do, each speaker only needs to speak for a minimum of 4 minutes and a maximum of 5 minutes.

Clearly, you need to do a lot of research if taking up this option to identify what are going to be winning arguments that all the speakers from both sides could put forward. This approaches most definitely tests your ability to look at a contentious issue and see both sides of the argument. Essentially, you are simulating the whole debate as a single team. You are not going up against another team. You are going up against yourselves.

- Corruption is the price we pay for democracy.
- Innovation is more successful in small companies.
- Multinational corporations are detrimental to national economies.
- Technological change creates economic disparity.
- Corporate Mission and vision statements are a waste of time and energy.
- Boards of Directors need quotas for women.
- Sustainability is essential for every business.
- Emotional Intelligence - the essential factor in leadership.
- Education kills creativity.
- Performance management in corporations kills creativity and innovation.
- CEOs are given more credit than they deserve.
- Regulation is stifling business.
- Groupthink has its place.
- MBAs are a waste of money.
- Ethics and business are incompatible.
- People who are smokers should not be employed.
- Businesses should not try to influence government policy.
- If we all spent more time working and less time networking, society would be better off.

The first speaker on the affirmative defines the topic and the nature of the team's arguments, providing some examples

The first speaker on the negative reaffirms or redefines the topic and the nature of the team's arguments, providing some examples

The second speaker on the affirmative identifies the differences between both teams' arguments, providing a conceptual overview and evidence/examples for why the affirmative team's arguments are superior

The second speaker on the negative identifies how the affirmative is lacking, providing a conceptual overview and evidence/examples for why the negative team's arguments are superior

The third speaker on the affirmative summarises what was said, including which arguments or sources of evidence were particularly compelling/flawed, and explains why the affirmative should win

The third speaker on the negative summarises what was said, including which arguments or sources of evidence were particularly compelling/flawed, and explains why the negative should win

If there is a fourth speaker, ensure the fourth speaker is able to explain how the team researched the topic and the sources of evidence drawn upon, including found evidence that could be used to refute the opposing team's possible arguments.

Verified Expert

The word document is an essay on the debate on how educations kills creativity and how we support in for of it.The presentation is the summary of the essay.

Reference no: EM131996763

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5/26/2018 1:22:17 AM

my debate topic is education kills creativity and you need to write for( in support) of that not against and for that you need to write 500 words of word file and 1 presentation file and i need to get delivery on 27th 5;00 pm as per Australian standard time because i need to submit on Monday morning The assessment is worth 30 % of your final grade for this unit. The PowerPoint slides are to be submitted Week 11, Monday, 5.00 PM AEST The presentation will be delivered during weeks 11 and 12. Students on the metro campuses will present in class, while distance students will present during the arranged Zoom session. The written conceptual overview of the structured arguments must include a cover page that contains the group’s names, student numbers, resident campus, assessment title and lecturer. The conceptual overview should be 500 words in length. This is due one week after you present.


5/26/2018 1:21:22 AM

Group reflection Superior overview of the arguments, including review of areas where improvements possible. Very good overview of the arguments, including review of areas where improvements possible. Very effective overview of the arguments, including review of areas where improvements possible. Effective overview of the arguments, including review of areas where improvements possible. Insufficiently and/or inconsistently addressed. ________________________________________ Referencing Style • Harvard (author-date) ________________________________________ Submission Group ________________________________________ Learning Outcomes Assessed • Develop a body of knowledge of research principles and methods applicable to key aspects of critical thinking and reasoning • Critically analyse and synthesise complex information, problems, concepts and theories and to apply creative decision-making approaches to address business issues and problems • Develop the capability to make effective and timely decision


5/26/2018 1:21:04 AM

Conclusion Clear and concise summary with effective links to the introduction and body of the presentation. Clear and concise summary of the presentation with links to the introduction and body of the presentation. The conclusion provided links to the introduction and body of the presentation, but was not concise or unclear at times. The conclusion provided some links to the introduction and body of the presentation, but was not concise or unclear. No conclusion or no links established to the introduction and body of the presentation. Visual Aids The visual aids are well designed and confidently used, which effectively support and add impact to the presentation. The visual aids are well designed, confidently used and effectively support the presentation. The visual aids are well designed and effectively support the presentation. The design of the visual aids are satisfactory or the aids are at times unrelated to the message presented. No visual aids are used, the visual aids are poorly designed or they are largely unrelated to the message presented.


5/26/2018 1:20:41 AM

Organisation of presentation Presents information and ideas in a logical and interesting sequence which the audience can easily follow. The student has a clear voice, is expressive throughout the presentation. Presents information and ideas in a logical sequence which the audience can follow. The student has a clear voice, is expressive at times during the presentation. Presents information and ideas at a reasonable level of logical sequence which the audience finds difficult to follow at times. The student has a clear voice, but is not expressive and/or pronounces some words incorrectly. Presents information and ideas at a basic level of logical sequence which the audience generally finds difficult to follow. The student's voice is: not clear at times; not expressive and/or the student pronounces a number of terms incorrectly. Presents information in a poorly developed and illogical sequence which the audience cannot follow. The student mumbles, incorrectly pronounces terms, is not expressive and cannot be heard by a majority of audience members.


5/26/2018 1:20:34 AM

Arguments are framed and articulated well from the beginning at all stages of the debate Superior framing and articulation of all arguments. Very convincingly framed and articulated. Convincingly framed and articulated. Effectively framed and articulated. Poorly framed and articulated. Arguments put forward by the opposition are effectively refuted and strong evidence is used. Superior refutations and use of evidence throughout. Very convincingly refutes and uses evidence. Convincingly refutes and uses evidence. Effectively refutes and uses evidence. Insufficiently addressed.


5/26/2018 1:20:25 AM

Assessment Due Date Week 11 Monday (21) 5:00 pm AEST Only one member of the group needs to submit the PowerPoint slides and the Group Review ________________________________________ Return Date to Students ________________________________________ Weighting 30% ________________________________________ Assessment Criteria ey Criteria Exceeds Expectations Exceeds Expectations (Distinction) 75 - 84% Meets Expectations Meets Expectations Below Expectations (High Distinction) 85-100% (Credit) 65 – 74% (Pass) 50 – 64% (Fail) below 50% Introduction Topic, key points and purpose of the presentation is introduced in a clear and interesting way which captures the audience's attention. Topic, key points and purpose of the presentation is introduced in a clear and interesting way. Topic, key points and purpose of the presentation is introduced with clarity. Topic introduced, but the introduction is underdeveloped in terms of key points and/or purpose of presentation. No topic, key points and/or purpose is introduced or the introduction is irrelevant to assessment item.

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