Reference no: EM13159816
A complex number can be represented by two parts, real and image. A series complex data can be organized as a group of elements by linked list, which is shown as below: struct Complex
float real; float image;
struct Complex *next;
- Complete the following functions.
struct Complex* Generate (float a, float b)
// return one new Complex node
void Push (struct Complex **source, struct Complex *newNode)
// create linked list data by "stack" creation,
// insert the newNode into the head of source.
// (backward linked list creation)
void Print (struct Complex *source)
// print out all linked list data as the form, A+Bi,
// and the related distance, |A+Bi|
- Complete the following functions.
void FrontBackSplit (struct Complex* source, struct Complex** front, struct Complex** back)
// Split the nodes of the given list into front and back halves,
// and return the two lists using the reference parameters.
// If the length is odd, the extra node should go in the front list.
// You will probably need special case code to deal with the
// (length <2) cases.
void Sort (struct Complex **source)
// sort the data of linked list source in increasing order of
// complex number distance
- Complete the following functions.
struct Complex* AppendMergeReal (struct Complex* source1,
struct Complex* source2)
// Merge two complex linked lists (source1 and source2) into
// union of real part of source1 and source2.
// For example, real part of source1 are {1 2 3 3 5}, and real part
// of source2 are {2 3 5 8 8 9}, the merged result are {1 2 3 3 5 8 8 9}.
- (Bonus) Complete the following functions.
void RecursiveReverse (struct Complex** source)
// Recursively reverses the given linked list by changing its .next
// pointers and its head pointer in one pass of the list.
Please verify your program by following test code
int main()
float data1_real[11] = {3, 2, -5, -9, 7, 9, 4, -2, 4, -7, -7};
float data1_image[11] = {7, -8, -7, 5, -2, 4, 4, 3, -6, 7, 9};
struct Complex *newNode;
struct Complex *source1 = NULL, *dest = NULL;
struct Complex *front, *back; char c;
// Generate Complex data linked list with data1 for (int i=0; i<11; i++) {
newNode = Generate(data1_real[i], data1_image[i]); Push(&source1, newNode);
// print out complex data of source1 printf("Original data of source1:\n"); Print(source1);
// use FrontBackSplit() to divide source1 data into front part
// and back part, and print out these two split data FrontBackSplit(source1, &front, &back); printf("\nFront part:\n");
print(front); pritf("\nBack part:\n"); print(back);
// sort input complex data according to the distance
// and print out sorted data of front and back individually printf("\nSorted front part:\n");
Sort(&front); Print(front);
printf("\nSorted back part:\n"); Sort(&back);
// sorted data according to real part
data2_real[6] = { 2,
9, 9};
data2_image[6] = { 7,
-2, 4};
data3_real[8] = { 3,
6, 8, 9, 9};
data3_image[8] = {-8,
7, 9, 3, 4};
struct Complex *source2 = NULL, *source3 = NULL; struct Complex *result;
// Generate Complex data linked list with data2 and data3 for (int i=5; i>=0; i--) {
newNode = Generate(data2_real[i], data2_image[i]); Push(&source2, newNode);
for (int i=7; i>=0; i--) {
newNode = Generate(data3_real[i], data3_image[i]); Push(&source3, newNode);
// Verify AppendMergeReal() function and print out the result printf("\nOriginal data of source2:\n");
printf("\nOriginal data of source3:\n"); Print(source3);
printf("\nMerged data of source2 and source3:\n"); result = AppendMergeReal(source2, source3); Print(result);
// Reverse merged data of source2 and source3 and print out the result printf("\nReverse test (merged data):\n"); RecursiveReverse(&result);
getch(); return 1;