Reference no: EM133743458
Question: An important factor influencing the caliber and proficiency of a nurse's involvement in policymaking is their educational background. Education has a major influence on the knowledge and competences of nurse clinicians, as it does for other healthcare providers, according to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). Modern professional nurses must have educational backgrounds that match the variety of duties expected of them, due to the fast-growing body of clinical knowledge and growing complexity in healthcare. BSN holders are among the most qualified nurses to handle the rigors of the modern healthcare industry. Accomplished in a range of inpatient and outpatient settings, BSN nurses are highly valued for their leadership, case management, critical thinking, and health promotion abilities. Healthcare foundations, federal agencies, minority nurse advocacy groups, premier nursing organizations, nurse executives, Magnet hospitals, and the military all acknowledge the distinct contribution that baccalaureate-prepared nurses make to the health care system (The Impact of Education on Nursing Practice, 2023). Legislators and the general public can learn about the implementation and effects of policy changes from these advanced practice nurses. As a result, highly qualified nurse practitioners are given extensive exposure to all aspects of policymaking and the significance of nursing political advocacy in promoting favorable changes throughout the healthcare system, not just in the nursing profession.
Nursing professionals must have a strong influence on regulatory procedures considering the constantly changing issues in patient care delivery, since doing so will favorably impact the quality of care both now and in the future (Arabi et al. 2014).
Assuring the quality of care through practice processes and standards that they influence; nurses can have an impact on regulatory processes. Furthermore, resource allocation-which is crucial for assisting in the delivery of healthcare-is influenced by process control.
Since nurses are skilled in providing high-quality care and can have access to opportunities and resources, the highly educated nurses can positively affect health policy by influencing the regulatory framework that ensures that patients receive adequate and timely care and treatment.