Strengths and weaknesses of your leadership traits

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM132336026

Aim of the Assessment

The aim of this assessment is to evaluate the students' understanding of the concepts surrounding leadership including traits theories of leadership - situational and behaviour - related to a current leader and to a self-assessment of personal traits and leadership readiness. Students will demonstrate their understanding through an essay reflecting on traits, motive and leadership style a chosen hospitality leader and applying the theoretical framework to practice.

Assessed Learning Outcomes

1. Evaluate common leadership traits and styles and relate them to personal assessments made to identify areas for personal development and readiness to lead people.

Assessment Brief

Assessment Type

£ Presentation

R Essay

£ Report

Assessment Details

In this assessment, you are required to:

1. Select a leader, owner, CEO, General Manager or a Department/Unit Manager, preferable but not necessarily from the hospitality and tourism sector. Collect background information (via a variety of literature sources) to prepare a brief biography of the individual and his/her current place of work. References and citations are required for all sources; please refer to the Structure and Referencing System section.

2. Evaluate the leader's traits, motive and preferred leadership style.

3. Establish your own personal weaknesses and strengths based on a. series of assessments and compare your strengths and weaknesses against the leader you selected for this assignment.

4. Write an essay to analyse the leader, his traits, motive for leading people, preferred leadership style and relate this to your own leadership skills, style based on assessments made in class. Analysis and synthesis areas you need to develop to effectively overcome your weaknesses in relation to the selected leaders. Support your evaluations with relevant leadership theories and examples.

5. Include as appendices the summary of your assessment scores and one reflective journal for each assessment.

Essay Detailed Structure

Introduction State the aim, purpose and outline of the essay. Include a brief background of the organisation and a biography of the chosen leader Be selective in the included information to focus on leadership- specific elements.

Main Body

Discussion on Heredity, Environmental Influences and Leadership Traits

Evaluate, analyse and assess the leader's traits and leader characteristics. Argue possible relevance to heredity and environmental influences in the process of reaching the current leadership position and support your argumentation with leadership theories based on a variety of literature sources and as discussed in class.

Discussion on Current Leadership Style and Motive

Evaluate, analyse and assess the leader's motive to lead people, preferred leadership style(s), approach and theory applied when leading people.

Evaluation of Leadership Traits and Style

Analyse and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your leadership traits and style in relation to the chosen leader based on different assessments made in class.

Conclusion Summarize key findings and establish areas for improvement and future action that needed to be taken. Support your findings with theoretical frameworks and examples.

References Include the list of all references. References and citations are required for all sources; please refer to the Structure and Referencing System section.

Attachment:- Leadership analysis.rar

Verified Expert

The present solution is based on the concept of leadership and is framed in accordance with an interview.The solution comprises of more than 3000 words and the references used are given in Harvard style.The solution is new and is free from any type of plagiarism. The final solution is submitted in Microsoft Office word document file.All the contents present are unique and is free from any type of plagiarism.

Reference no: EM132336026

Questions Cloud

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Strengths and weaknesses of your leadership traits : Analyse and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your leadership traits and style in relation to the chosen leader based on different assessments made
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7/9/2019 10:24:35 PM

The aim of this assessment is to evaluate the students' understanding of the concepts surrounding leadership including traits theories of leadership - situational and behaviour - related to a current leader and to a self-assessment of personal traits and leadership readiness. Students will demonstrate their understanding through an essay reflecting on traits, motive and leadership style a chosen hospitality leader and applying the theoretical framework to practice.


7/9/2019 10:24:17 PM

Are the journals complete? Do the journals comprehensively evaluate weaknesses/strengths and learning needs? 7. General Formatting: Does the essay format comply with standard requirements? Is the word count within the given limit? Is the overall layout structure clear and contains appropriate titles, subtitles and paragraphs differentiation the different discussion topics from each other? Is the writing style clear, free of grammar and spelling mistakes? 5% 8. Referencing: Are citations following the RGU Harvard referencing standard? Is the references list presented in alphabetical order and in compliance with RGU Harvard referencing standards? 5%


7/9/2019 10:24:09 PM

5. Leadership Assessment: Are all assessments completed? Has for each assessment the score been entered? Are key findings elaborately explained? 10% 6. Leadership Journals: Is for each assessment a reflective journal prepared? 10%


7/9/2019 10:24:03 PM

3. Evaluation of Leadership Traits & Style: Are all traits being compared to the person in a current leadership position? Have strengths and weakness in relation to the current leader's traits and style been identified? Has a critical evaluation been made on the weaknesses and strengths in relation to the current leader? 25% 4. Conclusion: Are key findings to establish areas for improvement established? Are future actions to improvement weakness identified and outlined? Are key findings supported with theoretical frameworks? 5%


7/9/2019 10:23:57 PM

Criterion Description Weighting 1. Heredity, Environmental Influences and Leadership Traits: Has the leader’s development path been established? Is the discussion relevant to leadership traits, characteristic and style? Are heredity and environmental influence in relevance to the process of reaching the current leadership position discussed? Are findings and arguments discussed supported with relevant leadership theories discussed in class and other literature sources? 20% 2. Current Leadership Style and Motive: Is the leader’s motive based on key concepts for leading and managing people established? Does the evaluation and analysis establish common traits and characteristic based on individual’s leadership style? Has a preferred leadership style of the individual interviewed been established? Are findings and evaluations supported by theoretical frameworks? 20%


7/9/2019 10:23:44 PM

Word Count 3000 Words +/-10% (excluding title page, table of content, references and the assessment summary and reflective journals). Assessment Criteria Refer to the Assessment Marking Criteria for details of each criterion across the grade bands.

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