Strengths and weaknesses of their legal arguments

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133195668

The Rich Lazy Car Collector

Brad is a rock star who made it to the big time. He literally had made so much money that he didn't pay much attention to it. It didn't seem to matter because the hits continued. Brad was also a car collector-what else do you do with more money than you can count (or are maybe too lazy to count)? Brad liked to go club-hopping in LA but he had so many of his cars parked around his mansion that he invariable crashed into one or two when he returned in his usual semi-sober state from a night in the clubs.

Brad decided that rather than changing his personal habits he needed to clear the driveway. He decided to sell his lime green 2017 Lambo with the pesky stick shift that was always hard to squeeze into. Being in a hurry, on Friday morning he decided to save time, took out his laptop and put the Lambo on Craigslist, 2017 Lambo. Best Realistic Offer by 11 pm Friday Night wins. Reply by text xxx-xx-xxxx Most shoppers thought it was a scam, but two potential buyers replied:.

• 9 pm Boris, a 60 year-old certified public accountant suffering through a mid-life crisis texts back: "I offer $50000 cash"

• 10 pm Stephen a 30 year-old DJ , texts back "I'll pay $110,000, but I can't get you the cash until Monday- the banks are already closed."

Being forgetful, Brad had let the battery in his phone drain and didn't receive either text by the 11 pm deadline. On Saturday morning Brad charges up his dead phone . After charging a text came in from :

• Leo Still got the Lambo? I'll pay you $100,000, just text back.. •Brad texts back: OK.

A few minutes later Boris and Stephen's texts show up on Brad's phone.

Required: All three offerors claim they have a contract to buy the Lambo.

Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of their legal arguments (they each need to argue why their offer wins and why there is something wrong with the other attempted offers).

Reference no: EM133195668

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