Strength of the correlation coefficient

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Reference no: EM13902659

Pick any two variables that you feel may be related and estimate what you think the strength of the correlation coefficient would be for those two variables. In your response, estimate the value of r. For example, specify a strong (.7 to .9), medium (.4 to .6), or low (0 to .3) value for r. The value of the coefficient can be positive or negative. For example, consider an increase in police patrols in a neighborhood and the number of burglaries that occur in that neighborhood. I would say that would be a strong inverse relationship with an r value of -0.8; as one (patrols) increases, the other (burglary rate) goes down. Describe the factors that you think would contribute to why the variables would have the relationship that you estimate it to be.

Reference no: EM13902659

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