Strategy and structure of the current programme

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Reference no: EM132490773 , Length: word count:10000

Project:- Commonwealth Youth Programme

Project Brief

The Commonwealth of Nations is an inter-governmental association of 53 members. Over sixty percent of the association's population is under the age of thirty. More than one billion young women and men reflect the true potential of the Commonwealth. As affirmed in the Commonwealth Charter, the future success of the Commonwealth rests with the continued commitment and contributions of young people in promoting and sustaining the Commonwealth and its values and principles.

The Secretariat's Youth Division (YTH) is responsible for programming and delivering results in this area as outlined in the Strategic Plan 2013/14-2016/17. The Youth Programme of the Commonwealth Secretariat focuses on engaging and empowering young people through building capacity, advocating for their rights, and building partnerships. It also manages a special programme called ‘Sport for Development and Peace'. Commonwealth Youth Programme (CYP) works in partnership with governments, young people and other stakeholders.


The Commonwealth Secretariat Strategic Plan for the period 2013/14 - 2016/17 was developed in the light of guidance received from the Heads, and after extensive consultations with member governments. Its results framework envisages a strategic outcome related to young people as ‘Youth more integrated and valued in political and development processes'. It is supported by two intermediate outcomes, one each in the area of youth empowerment and youth-led initiatives. Seven indicators have been established in the revised Strategic Plan to track the progress of work done in this area.

Purpose and Scope of Assignment

The Strategic Planning and Evaluation Division (SPED) is commissioning an independent review of the CYP programme. The purpose of this review is to assess the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of the support provided by YTH in advancing CYP. It will also make recommendations from both the strategic and operational perspectives to optimise the utilisation of resources in achieving sustainable impact. Specifically, the review will:

• Evaluate the extent to which the Secretariat support was relevant to the priorities of member countries, and consistent with intermediate outcomes of the Strategic Plan;
• Assess the strategy and structure of the current programme.
• Assess the extent to which Commonwealth member states and stakeholders may have benefited from the CYP work, and the sustainable impact, if any, CYP has had on the lives of young people in member countries; and,
• Ensure there is identification of issues, challenges and lessons learned of the current programme.

Client Requirement

The client is looking for consultants to provide a report bid critically discussing how they would produce a study that achieves the following:

An evaluation study providing a clear review of the support provided by YTH in advancing CYP in order to meet the aims and objectives identified.

Attachment:- Commonwealth Youth Programme.rar

Reference no: EM132490773

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