Reference no: EM133757542 , Length: word count:1500
Maths and Numeracy (Birth to Five Years)
Task Description:
Choose one of your Assessment 2 numeracy lesson plans to record a video presentation. Students will convey the pedagogical approaches (strategies, educator's roles, open-ended questions) used to devise the lesson plan in Assessment 2. Please make PowerPoint slides and include any sources referenced.
Articulate the background information considered when planning the particular activity, such as age/developmental stage, individual needs, group size, learning resources, assessment methods and records.
Discuss their link with one of the five VEYLDF Learning Outcomes.
The content of your lesson plan will need to be condensed into a PowerPoint presentation of 10-15 slides. And will need to include the pedagogical approaches surrounds specific activities you will teach based on numeracy concepts/skills you intend to develop and the following information:
Lesson objectives
Children groupings (age/developmental stage, individual needs, etc.)
Materials needed to carry out the lesson plan
Procedures for delivering instruction (any differentiation)
Methods of assessing your students
Identify a range of pedagogical approaches and strategies to promote children's problem-solving skills and understanding of mathematical concepts, including strategies and the roles of educators.
Articulate the background information considered when planning the particular activity, such as age/developmental stage, individual needs, group size, learning resources, assessment methods and records.
Connection to Learning Outcomes of the EYLF and/or the VEYLDF is clearly identified and explained
Word count: 1500 words (equivalent) +/- 10% (excluding references)
Formatting: 12-point serif font (eg. Times New Roman). 1.5 or double line spacing.
Referencing: APA7 (please refer to this guide for referencing guidelines).