Reference no: EM133171318
Strategies of Health Promotion
1. Why is access to the comprehensive, quality healthcare services important? What does this access specifically impact, in terms of people's health outcomes? What role does an effective health promotion program play in access to health care?
2. Provide a quick overview of a Transtheoretical Model that specifically outlines its key characteristics. There are known research studies conducted and some strong evidence of successful implementation of the principles of this model in the area of smoking cessation. Please outline and briefly talk about two of the required interventions applicable to each of the five stages of change of this model: pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance.
3. Describe the decision-making process an individual would go through before taking a health-related action, in accordance with the Health Belief Model. Also, please discuss some of the limitations/critiques of this model.
4. The Theory of Planned Behavior concludes that there are six key components that determine a person's actual control over their behavior. These components are attitudes, behavioral intention, subjective norms, social norms, perceived power, and perceived behavioral control. Please outline/indicate some of the key characteristics of the attitudes and the social norms components.