Strategies for examining claims for legitimacy-fallacy

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133182035

You are the district manager of a luxury watch producer, and sales have been steadily declining. You hold a meeting with your production and sales staff to attempt to identify the reasons for the decline, and the following reasons are offered for the decreased sales:

• slow economy, so no one is buying watches of any kind;

• salespeople are not provided adequate resources to properly market the watches;

• the quality of the watches has declined to the point that people do not want to buy them;

• the supply chain is unable to keep up with orders, so deliveries are slow, and customers are cancelling orders;

• the financial manager does not like the marketing department, so we cannot trust the numbers he produces; and

• the marketing manager should just get rid of the salespeople who are not able to hit the established sales targets.

Given this scenario, answer the following questions.

1. Discuss strategies for examining claims for legitimacy or fallacy.

2. Identify any potential fallacies in logic that might inhibit creative thinking.

3. Develop strategies for creatively overcoming identified fallacies.

Reference no: EM133182035

Questions Cloud

Importance of organization evaluating their training program : Discuss the importance of an organization evaluating their training program. Should evaluation be a continuous process? Why or why not?
Money-specialized training-recognition programs : There are many means of motivating employees: money, specialized training, recognition programs, etc.
Describe as costco basic strategy as retailer : In what ways does Costco meet the criteria for a "sustainable" organization? What would you describe as Costco's basic strategy as a retailer?
Disruptive conflict and hostility : Disruptive conflict and hostility are based on the explanation of what theory? When setting goals during action planning, dates are established for what purpose
Strategies for examining claims for legitimacy-fallacy : Discuss strategies for examining claims for legitimacy or fallacy. Identify any potential fallacies in logic that might inhibit creative thinking.
Deductive argument and inductive argument : Match each item with whether it is an inductive or deductive argument. Deductive Argument. Inductive Argument.
Summary of change leadership : Summary of Change Leadership
Bounded awareness can improve decision-making process : How bounded awareness can improve the decision-making process, At least one example of framing concerning the company.
Full-time exempt administrative employee : Distinguish between the short run and the long run. What will differentiate the short run and the long run?


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