Reference no: EM133532939
Explain for helping a strategic planning team formulate a vision of success.
1. Remember that in most cases a vision of success is not necessary to improve organizational effectiveness.
2. In most cases, wait until the organization goes through one or more cycles of strategic planning before trying to develop a full-blown vision of success.
3. Include in a vision of success the items listed earlier in this chapter as part of the first desired outcome.
4. Ensure that the vision of success grows out of past decisions and actions as much as possible.
5. Remember that a vision of success should be inspirational.
6. Remember that an effective vision of success will embody the appropriate degree of tension to prompt effective organizational change.
7. Consider starting the construction of a vision of success by having strategic planning team members draft visions of success individually, using the worksheets.
8. Use a normative to review the vision of success.
9. Be aware that consensus on the vision statement among key decision makers is highly desirable, but may not be absolutely necessary.
10. Arrange for the vision of success to be widely disseminated and discussed.