Strategic planning process

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13339555



Financing health care in the US has been an ongoing problem.  Several countries around the world have a government-sponsored single-payer system, while others have no insurance support.  Among those that have a single-payer system, some simply treat the government portion as an insurance payment system, while others have a fully run government system, with doctors and medical personnel hired by the government, and hospitals owned by the government.  The US has perhaps the most complicated system, with uninsured, company-insured, and government-insured all partaking of the private, public, nonprofit, and for-profit system.  

Competing committees have been formed to determine how the dilemma might be solved in the years ahead.  Your task is to present background information and a plan for the future.  Consider the following: 

1.  Find some general information on the Federal Budget. How does it breakdown? How fast is it increasing -- absolutely, as a percent of GDP, and in historical terms? Which categories in the breakdown have been increasing, which decreasing? 

2.  Study the demographics of the population over the next few decades.  How do birthrates and death rates affect health care costs?  In the view of health care providers, what are some problems with Medicare re-imbursements and re-imbursement rates?  

3.  What aspects of health care are causing the highest rate of cost increase?  What are some ideas for controlling these?  How can universal health care be funded?  Give several ideas.

4.  Study the health care systems used by other countries.  Be careful not to treat government-supported health care systems in other countries all the same.  For example, be specific about what you mean if you say "socialized medicine." What are the drawbacks and advantages of using those systems?  What portion of health care costs are due to administrative costs in those countries? How satisified are the citizens of those countries with their health care?

5.  What happens when an uninsured and indigent person shows up at for-profit health care organizations for health care?  in an emergency?  How might this affect overall health care costs to insurance companies:

6.  What is your plan for the future?  Is it fair?  Will it work?  Support your answers with analysis and fact-based arguments.- answer this question 

Reference no: EM13339555

Questions Cloud

What is the charge q on the capacitor at the instant : In an oscillating LC circuit, 75% of the total energy is stored in the magnetic field of the inductor at a certain time. In terms of Qmax, the maximum charge on the capacitor,
Find at what point does the ball have maximum speed : A toy cannon uses a spring to project a 5.31-g soft rubber ball. The spring is originally compressed by 5.04 cm and has a force constant of 7.96 N/m. At what point does the ball have maximum speed
Determine the force on the wire carries a current : A 3.0m length of straight wire carries a current of 18A in a uniform magnetic field of 70mT whose direction is at an angle of 36o from the direction of the current.
Determine the speed of the particle if it is a proton : A charged particle travels undeflected through perpendicular electric and magnetic fields whose magnitudes are 1000N/C and 60mT , respectively. Find the speed of the particle if it is a proton.
Strategic planning process : STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS
What speed must the charge have such that the force acting : A charge of 0.040C moves vertically in a field of 0.075T that is oriented 45? from the vertical. What speed must the charge have such that the force acting on it is 8.0N
Does the regression fit the data well : Now, consider the following scenario. You have been assigned the task of creating a multiple regression equation of at least three variables that explains Microsoft’s annual sales.
How long does it take the block to travel from x1 to x2 : A small block is attached to an ideal spring and is moving in SHM on a horizontal, frictionless surface. When the amplitude of the motion is 0.090m , it takes the block 2.90s to travel from x= 0.090m tox= -0.090m.
What is the loss of kinetic energy due to the collision : A block of mass m = 12 kg has a speed of V and is behind a lock of mass M=40 kg that has a speed of .5 m/s. What is the loss of kinetic energy due to the collision


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