Strategic managerial communications

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13308891

Strategic Managerial Communications

Business Communication Reviews

Select and analyze two cases that demonstrate good managerial or business communications.  Prepare a 2-3 page paper that presents your review and analysis.  You will also present an informal summary of your analysis to the class.

Your paper should include:

  • A summary of the situation
  • An analysis of the communication approach and effectiveness

One of the cases needs to involve the communication of statistics and numbers



Reference no: EM13308891

Questions Cloud

Discuss issue of every case with appropriate law''s section : Discuss the issue of every case with appropriate law's section,give comment,and discuss the issue
Organizational culture and innovation : A critical review of theories of the nature of organisational culture, including how it may impact on innovation, and how it may be affected by the leaders of an organisation
Impact of a particular trend in technology : Analyze the impact of a particular trend in technology on education and analyses of various authors on innovations and technological transformations in education and in other fields.
Potential future of the energy economy on a global scale : Consider the potential future of the energy economy on a global scale.
Strategic managerial communications : Strategic Managerial Communications
Develop a personal technology contingency plan : Evaluate and select strategies for effective online learning in the areas of planning, time management, studying, and effective technology use Develop a personal technology contingency plan
What is backdating-earn bonus under the scanlon plan : What should employees do to earn bonus under the Scanlon plan? What is backdating? In designing incentive pay plans, organizations should consider all but one of the following. Name the exception.
Outline and explain the concept of internal marketing : Outline and explain the concept of internal marketing and why it is important in service products. How would you introduce an effective internal marketing programme to an organisation?
Performance-based pay for executives : Describe how organizations combine incentive plans in a balanced scorecard. Discuss issues related to performance-based pay for executives.


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