Strategic management and economic development

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM131007544 , Length: 2

Topic: Business level Strategy/Generic Strategies

Detailed Question: Each student is required to locate an organization that contributes to strategic management and economic development in the community.

Students will research this organization and interview at least one executive. Each student will prepare a paper that identifies the following:

1) Overview of the organization,

2) Results of the interview,

3) description of the strategic plan and how the organizations helps the community,

4) Conclusion with your thoughts

?2 pages

Reference no: EM131007544

Questions Cloud

What the exact steps in kass argument for this conclusion : In "Preventing a Brave New World" (pp. 331-343), Leon Kass concludes that reproductive and therapeutic cloning of human embryos is unethical. What are the exact steps in Kass's argument for this conclusion
Financial information about companies : 1. Where do analysts get financial information about companies? What are their concerns about the information? 2. Financial analysts are generally optimists who believe what they're told. Right or wrong? Explain.
Identify crisis intervention strategies : Identify crisis intervention strategies and/or skills employed by the 2004 Sri Lankan Community Support Officers, and the 2005 Hurricane Katrina, 2010 Haitian earthquake, and 2011 Japanese earthquake/tsunami/nuclear crisis workers
Acts of terrorism : Acts of terrorism are intended to have an impact far beyond the death and destruction of the immediate attack. Mass fear and interruptions to normal daily functioning occur in the aftermath of terrorist attacks, like concentric surges that erupt w..
Strategic management and economic development : Each student is required to locate an organization that contributes to strategic management and economic development in the community.
Strategic management and economic development : Each student is required to locate an organization that contributes to strategic management and economic development in the community.
Identify two accounts of terrorism : Identify two accounts of terrorism and/or genocide from this week's readings and consider the affective, behavioral, cognitive, and ecological impact of each
Designing a virtual memory manager : our program is to translate each logical address to a physical address and determine the contents of the signed byte stored at the correct physical address
Analyze the military response to the mental health needs : In this Discussion, you will analyze the military's response to the mental health needs of combat veterans and any potential barriers to treatment that might exist


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