Strategic development of the organizations future

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM133204159 , Length: Word count: 1 Page

Assignment Problem: Apply the theories and skills needed to become a strategic partner in the core business of the organization and in the strategic development of the organization's future.

Identify one assignment you completed in the MS-SHRM program that best exemplifies the fourth learning objective - HR as Strategic Business Partner. Post the assignment to the online discussion and write 2-3 paragraphs describing how this assignment addresses HR as a Strategic Business Partner learning objective.

Reference no: EM133204159

Questions Cloud

Discuss since 2008 pose credit risk to the banking sector : Discuss the new activities that since 2008 pose credit risk to the banking sector and the ways are being addressed. write one activity. Columbia University.
Discuss transportation models : Problem: Discuss Transportation Models in Spreadsheet in 300 words minimum
Discuss since 2008 pose credit risk to the banking sector : Discuss the new activities that since 2008 pose credit risk to the banking sector and the ways are being addressed. write one activity. Columbia University.
Explain the effects of globalisation on national economies : Explain the effects of globalisation on national economies. Discuss the influence of international institutions on organisations.
Strategic development of the organizations future : Apply theories needed to become a strategic partner in core business of the organization and in strategic development of the organization's future.
Change management plan and project closure : Create a work breakdown structure (WBS) and project schedule for the project proposal. Use Microsoft® Project to list the components and breakdown of project
What information lululemon trying to convey about brand : What information is Lululemon trying to convey about its brand based on the logo?
Implementing change initiative : When implementing change initiative, leaders play a major role in the process of communicating the vision.
Analyzing the changes the company implemented : Explain your two selections by analyzing the changes the company implemented and how (or how not) the lean philosophy was beneficial for the company


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