Reference no: EM132885009 , Length: word count:2800
Case study analysis report - Global Business Case Report
Consider for a moment you are in-charge of one of the global firms (X or Y) that has expanded its business activities to several other countries in the world. The X and Y organisations are real-world firms that have been identified by and you will select one of these firms for your analysis. The names of X and Y firms will be notified on the subject Moodle site by Monday in week 9 of the Trimester, after which you are provided with three weeks to complete the task.
Your lecturer at his discretion has provided you with some basic information about those firms (see Assessment 3 information on the subject Moodle site). You are expected to expand information search targeting the areas to be covered in this assessment task (see style and format).
Your clear intentions are to improve global business performance of the firm and to enhance competitiveness and sustainability of the firm's global business.
This assessment requires you to do a thorough global strategy analysis on the selected firm using the guidelines specified under ‘style and format' of this assessment, and also use any appropriate sources of information (correctly referenced of course).
In writing up your analysis, please ensure you comprehensively address all the areas that are highlighted in the "style and format" section. The lecturer may also provide additional discretionary guidance and support by uploading several key sources of information about each firm. In your self-reflection section, indicate (a) any key learnings on global business strategy you feel you have realised in performing this task or had reinforced in completing this task, and (b). any difficult and/or complex issues you confronted and how you dealt with them or think you could have better dealt with them in performing your analysis.
A full marking guide will be provided to students via the subject Moodle site. Students should submit their reports (in Word format) to the subject Moodle page, 'Assessment 3 submission' (Turnitin), in Week 10 folder. No hard copies or emailed copies are to be submitted to the lecturer as they will not be marked. Please ensure you correctly reference all your sources of information. The final report submission is due on Monday of the examination week 1.
(Important: Please note in the marking rubrics that 20% of marks have been allocated for the use/application of ethics/CSR/sustainability principles and approaches in your global business strategy analysis and decision making/recommendations. This would facilitate to fulfil a requirement of the
faculty to assess your level of achievement in CLO 5. Thus, please consider that covering this aspect of the assignment is mandatory).
Learning Outcome 1: Critically analyse major perspectives, theories, concepts, models and strategic practices relevant to different levels of strategic decisions in international business organisations.
Learning Outcome 2: Work independently and in teams to apply international business strategy and integrated knowledge to make strategic decisions in an international business context.
Learning Outcome 3: Communicate informed strategic decisions by applying appropriate analytical, ethical and professional practices.