Strategic approach for increasing market share

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM13340986

The Car Manufacturing Business is one of the most versatile and resilient businesses hit by the current economic crisis. From viral marketing to advanced retail and brand management, fundamentals of marketing strategy govern the way in which some of the car manufacturers operate and flourish. The recent changes in consumer purchase-power and geo-demographics of the target markets in this industry certainly make it an interesting sector to investigate as part of this assignment.

The task is divided into two parts (Part 1 & Part 2) and candidates are expected to address both.

Your task is to identify a branded Car Company; and then analyse, evaluate and prepare an individual report (3500 words) addressing the following issues.

Part 1:

- Using appropriate sources, identify their existing marketing strategy and value creation process
- Research, analyse and evaluate the key strengths and weaknesses of their existing marketing strategy

Part 2:

- Using appropriate theories (and real-life/academic case studies) suggest alternative strategic approach for increasing their market share, profitability, value creation, and sustainability

You can choose a designated Car Company from the list given on Page 6 or you can choose a branded Car Company of your choice.

Candidates are encouraged to evaluate, analyse, and recommend marketing strategies for their chosen company within their chosen local contexts (i.e. UK, Germany, Malaysia, Trinidad etc.).

Your arguments, findings and recommendations should be supported by theories, facts and figures published within academic books, journal articles, recognised business magazines and market intelligence reports.

Reference no: EM13340986

Questions Cloud

How deep is the lake : At a height of ten meters above the surface of a freshwater lake, a sound pulse is generated. How deep is the lake
Calculate the number of steel cables that would be required : To appreciate the strength of gravity, calculate the number of steel cables that would be required in the absence of gravity to hold the moon in orbit about the earth.
Estimate how many turns does the inductor have : A solenoid inductor has an emf of 0.90V when the current through it changes at the rate 10.0 A/s. How many turns does the inductor have
What is the rate of energy loss in watts per square meter : A storm window having the same thickness of glass is installed parallel to the first window, with an air gap of 6.7 cm between the two windows. What now is the rate of energy loss
Strategic approach for increasing market share : Using appropriate theories suggest alternative strategic approach for increasing their market share, profitability, value creation, and sustainability
What is the momentum of the proton : A magnetic field of 2.00T is applied to a bubble chamber to make the tracts of protons, what is the momentum of the proton
How to calculate the mass percent of platinum in cisplantin : Cisplatin, an antitumor ingredient, has the formula Pt (NH3)2Cl2. What is the molar mass of cisplatin? Calculate the mass percent of platinum present in cisplantin.
Determine what is the second force that acts on the object : A 2.00-kg object moves with constant velocity 3.00 m/s toward the east. Two forces act on the object. The first is a 40.0 N force toward the west. What is the second force that acts on the object
What is the volume of the anchor : An iron anchor of density 7870 kg/m^3 appears 200 N lighter in water than in air. What is the volume of the anchor


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