Reference no: EM133012803
Strategic Business Information Technology - Emerging Tech Strategic Analysis Report
Assignment - Strategic Analysis of Emerging Technology for Competitive Advantage
Learning Outcome 1: Critically evaluate the relationship between information technology and organisational competitive advantage
Learning Outcome 2: Utilise tools of strategic business analysis to evaluate the current macro and micro business environment with a view to formulating future action plans
Learning Outcome 3: Research emerging technologies and critically evaluate their impact on business and business information systems in general
Assessment Task
Students are advised to review and adhere to the submission requirements documented after the assessment task.
1) Strategic Analysis Report
You are required to select any new or emerging technology for detailed research and analysis. Some possible examples are listed in the Guidance Section, but you can use another technology if you wish.
You must then carry out a detailed piece of research into this new technology to identify and analyse t he potential for this new technology to provide a competitive advantage to an organization that is USING the technology. Do NOT select an organization that is building/creating the technology! (See Guidance Section for an example)
You Must USE Porter's "Five Forces" model to outline how this technology could provide a competitive advantage.
[Historical Example: Imagine that mobile phone technology was just emerging. What might it effect? How could an organization use this technology for advantage?]
You MUST outline how this technology could (or is already) use Data Analysis/Big Data to enhance the competitive advantage(s) that you suggest.
You must a lso analyse how the technology might impact (or already is impacting) on society a s a whole OR on a specific group in society, and provide reasons to support your analysis.
In Particular, you MUST:
a) Explain the technology BRIEFLY [approx. 300-500 words] and outline AT LEAST TWO industries or organizations who might use (or already are using) this technology for competitive advantage.
b) Critically analyse HOW an organization is (or could) use the technology TO GAIN A COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE. (This must use Porter's 5 forces!)
c) Analyse how the technology might impact (or already is impacting) on society as a whole (or on a specific group in society). You may use other analysis tools (e.g. SWOT) if you wish, but this is not essential.
d) Support your analysis with references and properly reference
2) Presentation
Upon completion of your analysis you are to create a presentation lasting 10-15 minutes which will provide a s ummary of:
i) The technology [say 1-2 slides],
ii) How it might be used to gain a competitive advantage [say 3-5 slides], and
iii) Your analysis of the impact the technology might have (or is having) on society [say 3-5 slides].
Attachment:- Emerging Tech Strategic Analysis Report.rar