Storefront humber home support services inc

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133096943


Storefront Humber Home Support Services Inc. 

A charitable, non-profit, Etobicoke agency that has been providing support services to seniors and disabled persons since 1971. Support Services. Started by HumberCollege students to address a growing need for an aging population. It has many programs s for assist well elderly and not so well elderly and disabled such as: 

  1. Adult Day Program 
  2. Congregate Dining 
  3. Foot Care
  4. Grass Cutting and Snow Removal 
  5. Transportation
  6. Home Help
  7. Home Maintenance Service
  8. Information and Referral Service
  9. Respite Care 
  10. Well Elderly Program 
  11. Friendly Visiting 
  12. Home Making Service
  13. Client Intervention Service 
  14. Telephone Reassurance 

Storefront has grown from a shoestring budget to over 6 million annual budget. It has a volunteer board of 14 (chair, two vice chairs, and various committee heads (human resources, programs, finance, strategic planning). 

Storefront used an old Parks and Rec building from the city of Toronto (approx. 8,000 sq ft). Storefront does not pay rent but pays for all the upkeep and maintenance of the building. Storefront has also added an elevator, and two building additions to enhance the building. Our rent agreement with the City of Toronto will run out next year. We have been at the current location for over 35 years. Storefront main funders are:

  1. Ontario Ministry of Health and LT care (80% of funding)
  2. Private donors (10% of funding) 
  3. United Way of Toronto (5% of funding)
  4. City of Toronto (1% of funding)

What options/recommendations can you suggest to assist Storefront with their negotiations? The City of Toronto would love to charge market rent for the premises. All levels of government want all participants to pay their own way. 

Write a memo to the Board (similar to your assignments) with your recommendations. Write your best six recommendations (make them count) and submitted by 11:59PM Tuesday, December 7, 2021. Your submission should be between 6-8 pages. There is no provision for late assignments.




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Reference no: EM133096943

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Storefront humber home support services inc : A charitable, non-profit, Etobicoke agency that has been providing support services to seniors and disabled persons since 1971. Support Services.
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